Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

Poison Proof Your Home

March 20, 2015

What dangers are hidden under your kitchen sink? (Photo by Jon Lamb)

If you do a quick inventory of the chemicals in your home, I bet the list is long. Toilet bowl cleaners, medicine, cosmetics, tile cleaners, bathroom deodorizers, mouthwash, mothballs, nail polish remover, bleach and ammonia are found in the kitchen and bathroom of most homes. More than 90 percent of poisonings occur in the home and most are preventable if you can keep poison away from tiny fingers.



Today’s guest is Kandace Fisher-McLean, housing and environmental design specialist for University of Missouri Extension.


Poison Safety

Hazardous Look-A-Likes in a Child’s World

Poison Control Hotline: 1-800-222-1222
