Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #8 with Marilyn Messik

December 11, 2013
Finding The Right Editor.

Every writer or authors needs a good editor. Marilyn shares her thoughts on how you should select one that works for you….very insightful tips!

About Marilyn

Marilyn was a regular contributor of both features and fiction, to national magazines when her children were small. She moved into the travel market at the end of the 80s’ setting up an advisory, planning and booking service alongside a publishing company to make the information more widely available.

At the end of the 90s, the guide – The US Welcome Selected Hotels & Inns was sold to Thomas Cook Publishing. In 2007 she set up her copywriting consultancy Create Communication to help companies shape their business messages to optimum effect. She’s the author of three business books and a novel, Relatively Strange, published on December 1st. Please sit back and enjoy our interview. You can find out more about Marilyn here – www.createcommunication.co.uk

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