Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

EF18 (AMA-EF3): The Mystical Allure of Converting to Buddhism and Speculating about Quantum Mechanics— Ask Me Anything for Episode EF3

June 18, 2019

Jonathan finds himself forced between two paths: a meaningful life filled with risky choices, or a safe life that might be filled with regret. If only there were a way to make everything simple, like an autopilot that steers the train towards an easy, happy and perfect finish line for you. But he has just half a day to find the solution to the issue we all face on a daily basis—What’s the right decision? 12 hours, millions of questions and seemingly no answers. So is there a auto-pilot, golden ticket to all of our life’s problems? Or are all the shortcuts just a one-way ticket towards mental suicide, as Robert Nozick, another famous philosopher, described it?
