Evolution Talk

Evolution Talk

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What They Ate
April 03, 2023

Our diet has a direct impact on our quality of life, and this fact is not new. Throughout the evolution of our species, food availability and our diet have been influential factors. The Hominin River

Hominins: The End of the Hominin River
March 27, 2023

Our journey down the Hominin River in search of our ancestors and the evolution of our species has been extensive. Homo sapiens began exploring the world 300,000 years ago, and anatomically modern hum

Hominins: Homo erectus and the Mystery of the 5 Skulls
March 20, 2023

The discovery of a Homo erectus skull in 2005, known as Skull 5, marked a significant archaeological find. Among the five skulls found, estimated to be approximately 1.8 million years old, Skull 5 sta

Hominins: Homo habilis
March 13, 2023

In 1959, a significant event took place when teeth were discovered at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. These teeth were identified as belonging to a hominin species known as Homo habilis, which for decades

Hominins: Paranthropus
March 06, 2023

Thomas Plummer, an archaeologist, had received information about the discovery of stone tools on the Homa Peninsula hillsides in Kenya. In an attempt to gain more knowledge, he initiated an excavation

Hominins: Lucy and the Australopithecus
February 27, 2023

Weve come quite a long way along the Hominin River. Weve passed tributaries and navigated some pretty large bends. On the way weve heard rumors about what was ahead. A name actually. Youll rec

Hominins: Ardipithecus ramidus
February 20, 2023

Between 1992 and 1994, working in the Awash region of Ethiopia, the same region that Ardipithecus kadabba would be found a few years later, paleoanthropologist Tim White unearthed well over 100 specim

Hominins: Ardipithecus kadabba
February 13, 2023

In the last couple of episodes weve met two early travellers along the Hominin River. Today, we will meet yet another one. This one lived approximately 5.5 million years ago. It is know as Ardipit

Hominins: Orrorin tugenensis
February 06, 2023

We continue with our exploration into hominin history by introducing one who once walked the earth six million years ago - the Orrorin tugenensis. It was bipedal, a mix of ape-like and human-like trai

Hominins: Sahelanthropus tchadensis
January 30, 2023

We begin our exploration into hominin history with an introduction to what is arguably the oldest hominin fossil yet found. Does Sahelanthropus tchadensis represent our earliest hominin ancestor or i
