The Evil Ego Hour

The Evil Ego Hour

Latest Episodes

S2E17 - 2:17 The Path To Compassion
November 29, 2020

"The capacity to place oneself in another's position"

S2E16 - 2:16 Divine Inspiration
November 23, 2020

Get out of your way.

Election Day Special
November 02, 2020

Vote or shut up!

S2E15 - 2:15 Real Friends
October 27, 2020

How many of us have them?

S2E14 - 2:14 Tragic Comedy
October 19, 2020

Laugh through the pain.

S2E13 - 2:13 Take The Lead
September 20, 2020

"To lead, you have to follow"

S2E12 - 2:12 Faith In Faith
September 14, 2020

Why exactly is faith so powerful?

S2E11 - 2:11 Good Grief
September 06, 2020

RIP Chadwick Boseman

S2E10 - 2:10 The Evolution Of A Revolution
August 31, 2020

“The more things change, the more things stay the same”

S2E9 - 2:9 Building Bridges
August 23, 2020

How do we connect our minds to one another?
