Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

RFinder with Bob Greenberg, W2CYK - ETH075

June 29, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! In this episode we are going to talk about RFinder with the programs maker, Bob Greenberg, W2CYK. Facebook Question of the Week: How was your Field Day? Did you participate in it? What were some of your issues and what might you do different next year? Tech Corner - RFinder http://www.rfinder.net What is RFinder? The RFinder (RepeaterFinder) Worldwide Repeater Directory is a steadily growing worldwide repeater directory including IRLP, Echolink, AllStar, DStar, MotoTRBO, and even Winlink information.  We currently have over 175 countries in the directory! Buy RFinder on Itunes - Iphone - IPad Buy RFinder on Google Play Youtube - RFinder Killer [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaeRzcnNNdQ]   Youtube - RFinder Pi [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42FWxug221c] http://www.androiddmr.com Do You Need Some QSL Cards? Check out KB3IHF QSL Cards. When you place your order make sure you mention that you heard about him on the Everything Ham Radio Podcast. If you do I will get a small commission on your purchase. West Mountain Radio Are you tired of lousy propagation conditions and wondering how to work some real DX for a change? Maybe you spin the dial and wonder what's going on below the voice segment of the HF bands? The answer is ... You're missing out! You're missing out on digital modes! A rapidly growing and exciting part of ham radio! Work real DX with the incredible JT-65 and JT-9 modes! It's no exaggeration when I tell you, you WILL work stations you never thought possible, even using low power and compromise antennas. Have fun making new contacts in modes such as PSK31, Olivia, Radio-Teletype, SSTV and many more! The RIGblaster Advantage is everything you need to operate these exciting digital modes. Made in the US, the RIGblaster interfaces have set the standard for nearly 20 years. Thousands of satisfied operators have learned their RIGblaster Advantage will provide solid digital communication, easy operating and reliability. The RIGblaster Advantage has: A high quality built in sound card A single USB cable to your computer - say goodbye to the rats nest of audio and serial cables.  Tidy up your station! Built in rig control that works with most radios Flexible transmit/receive switching -  Choose between VOX or computer PTT Volume controls on the interface - no more hunting through Windows just to alter your transmit level! Real Morse Code keying that actually uses the CW mode on your radio Operate RTTY FSK for radios which support it An easy to understand manual covers beginners and seasoned operators alike Comes with a universal mic cable which fits most radios - optional cables may be available for your particular radio. Don't miss out on the fun and excitement any longer! The RIGblaster Advantage is available right now for 199.95 with free ground shipping to the US 48.    Thanks for stopping by today. If you like what you have heard on my podcast or read on my blog and would like to know how you can give your support, check out the Support page! You can make a one time donation through Paypal, become a monthly contributor through Patreon or shop on Amazon through my affiliate link.   If you have not done so already, please subscribe to my site so that you will receive emails when I publish a new post or podcast episode. It's super easy! Just fill out the form below: [yikes-mailchimp form="2"] Once you click on the Sign Me Up button, you will get an email from me with a link that you will need to click on. Once you click on that link, you will start receiving emails from me. I hate spam as much as anyone does, so I promise you that I will not sell or rent your email address to anyone! Also, check me out on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Links to these and all the other social media sites that I am on can be found in the menu at the top of the page under Social. Until next time... 73 de Curtis, K5CLM
