Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio with Glen Popiel, KW5GP - ETH072

June 08, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! In this episode we are going to talk with Glen Popiel, KW5GP, about all kinds of projects that you can do with an Arduino and about his two books dealing with the Arduino, Arduino for Ham Radio and More Arduino for Ham Radio. Facebook Question of the Week: Have you ever used an Arduino to build something? If so, what did you build? Tech Corner - Arduino Projects Glen Popiel, KW5GP author of Arduino for Ham Radio, More Arduino for Ham Radio and High Speed Multimeter for Amateur Radio Hamvention interview on 40m qrp transceiver video https://www.facebook.com/ARRL.org/videos/10154849135407408/   I had a great conversation with Glen in this episode. Glen is a great guy and is funny as it gets. Glen has been a ham for a long time and has a lot of experience in electronics and Ham Radio. He combines the love of electronics and the love of amateur radio in a way that everyone can understand. Some of the stuff that we talked about that are in his books, and realizing that you can get an arduino for SOOOO cheap, I cant wait to get his More Arduino for Ham Radio book and try out some of the stuff in there. I might even have to buy both of the books and see if my oldest daughter wants to build some of the projects with me as well. It would be some great father-daughter time if she did. Below is a list of each of Glen's books and the description of them as well as links to both Amazon using my affiliate link and a direct link to the ARRL if you want to buy directly from them. Arduino for Ham Radio Arduino Microcontroller Projects You Can Build Today!The Arduino has become widely popular among hobbyists and ham radio operators. Hams are exploring these powerful, inexpensive microcontrollers, creating new projects and amateur station gear. With its Open Source model, the Arduino community freely shares software and hardware designs, making projects easier to build and modify. Arduino for Ham Radio introduces you to the exciting world of microcontrollers and Open Source hardware and software. It starts by building a solid foundation through descriptions of various Arduino boards and add-on components, followed by a collection of ham radio-related practical projects. Beginning with simple designs and concepts and gradually increasing in complexity and functionality, there is something here for everyone. Projects can be built quickly and used as-is, or they can be expanded and enhanced with your own personal touches. Projects Random Code Practice Generator CW Beacon and Foxhunt Keyer Fan Speed Controller Digital Compass Weather Station RF Probe with LED Bar Graph Solar Battery Charge Monitor On-Air Indicator Talking SWR Meter Talking GPS/UTC Time/Grid Square Indicator Iambic Keyer Waveform Generator PS/2 CW Keyboard Field Day Satellite Tracker Azimuth/Elevation Rotator Controller CW Decoder Lightning Detector CDE/Hy-Gain Rotator Controllers Purchase from Amazon(Affiliate Link)  or directly from the ARRL More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio More Arduino Microcontroller Projects for Your Ham Radio Station!Building on the success of Arduino for Ham Radio, this book — More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio — includes 15 completely new practical and functional Arduino projects for the ham shack. This time, we branch out to use some of the newer Arduino variants and devices. Each project is complete and functional as-is, but room has been left for you to add personal touches and enhancements. That’s part of the fun of the Arduino and Open Source communities — building on the work of others, and then sharing your designs and innovations for others to learn, modify, and improve. More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio starts by building a solid foundation through descriptions of the many new Arduino boards and add-on components, followed by a collection of practical ham radio-related projects that showcase a wide variety of applications. There is something here fo
