Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Latest Episodes

Riding the hormonal tide; natural methods of period repair • Lara Briden • EAP054
April 26, 2016

Contrary to the view of conventional medicine, women's menstrual cycles can be smoothed and regulated with natural methods. In this episode we look at how a woman's monthly cycle is a vital indicator of her overall health.  Additionally, we see...

Connecting emotions and physiology; a tea infused conversation • Ryan Law • EAP053
April 10, 2016

We often hear about the so-called "mind/body connection," but have you noticed that the very phrase already assumes some kind of disconnect? In this episode we discuss over tea, Chinese medicine's view of how body and emotion are profoundly...

The dynamics of standing still • Peter den Dekker • EAP052
March 17, 2016

In our electronically enhanced speed of silicon world we are easily lured into believing that faster is better, and motion is more productive than stillness.  But, think of the cat crouched and ready to pounce, the coiled snake still with a...

Hormones, emotions and the spaces between • Chris Axelrad • EAP051
March 03, 2016

We often think that our hormones drive our emotions. And while there is some truth in that, it is equally true that our emotions, states of mind, and the stories that we tell our selves also have a profound impact on our hormones. In today's episode...

Practical questions about Chinese herbs • Ian Kreidich • EAP050
February 13, 2016

Westerners honestly come by their apprehension, discomfort and distrust of Chinese herbal medicine. After all, we didn't grow up with this stuff. Our mother's didn't feed us "Cinnamon and Peony Decoction" when we had a cold, we got tomato soup and...

East and West approaches to treating children • David Miller • EAP049
February 02, 2016

If you are thinking there has to be a better solution for the ails of childhood than antibiotics, anti-anxiety meds, ear tubes and amphetamines; you're right!Our guest in this episode has his feet firmly planted in both conventional biomedicine and...

Cultivating the fertile field- Chinese medicine for making healthy babies • Lorne Brown • EAP048
January 18, 2016

Fertility issues are more than simply being able to get pregnant. Cultivating a fertile internal environment, having a healthy pregnancy, carrying a child to term and being able to give them a healthy vitality all are part of the process of bringing...

One year of Everyday Acupuncture Podcast • Michael Max • EAP047
January 11, 2016

Today's show is a bit different from the usual dialogue between practitioners. Due to listener demand Michael Max offers up a solo show as a way of commemorating one year of Everyday Acupuncture Podcast. Listen in for his thoughts on how acupuncture...

Sweet dreams are made of these • Damiana Corca • EAP046
December 30, 2015

Sleep. It is one of those fundamental aspects of life that we take for granted, until we find ourselves writing and editing lists in our mind, or rehashing conversations at 3am.  Sleep is a simple and natural process, except for when it's not....

Unwinding habits and inertia • Brodie Welch • EAP045
December 14, 2015

Sometimes we don't even know the rut we're in. Until a symptom, accident or diagnosis snaps us into into an unexpected moment of presence.  We can chose the route of "fixing" our bodies, or engage a process of looking into "how we got here" and...
