Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Using acupuncture to enhance sports performance • Amy Geile • EAP068

May 28, 2017

Acupuncture is a go-to treatment for musculo-skeletal pain and a commonly used modality for treating sports injuries.  NFL stars, Olympic swimmers, basketball players and other top athletes increasingly turn to acupuncture to help with recovery from injury as evidenced by the occasional headline or picture that gives acupuncture another 15 minutes of fame because some sports hero has needles in them.  Our guest in this episode takes a different view of acupuncture. She is investigating how it can be used for performance enhancement. Listen in as we discuss the discuss the results of her first study into using various acupuncture modalities focused not on recovery from injury, but rather as a way to improve sports performance. 
