Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Chewing the fat_ what you know about fat is not just wrong, but dangerously wrong • Joshua Lerner • EAP065

February 05, 2017

Growing up we used to laugh about great-grandma's can of schmaltz that lived in the corner of the kitchen. It's taken the turn of more than a few decades to recognize the value of her peasant wisdom. And might have something to do with her making it into her 90's. In this episode we chew the fat on, well...., fat. After being exiled from the "healthy" American diet since the 1950's, a new generation of metabolic researchers are finding that our fear of fat might be a bit misplaced. Listen in as we take a long view on the role of fat in the human diet and dig into one of the important aspects of diet that most experts leave out — joy. 
