Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

The bitter truth about sugar • Melissa Carr • EAP057

June 14, 2016

People often joke about being addicted to sugar. After all, how could something as cute and celebratory as a cupcake be bad? But it is not just the cupcake, or the sugary energy drink, it is that sugar has found its way into most foods and the combined effect on our metabolism has spawned an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and mood disorders. What's more, we think of sugar as a treat, a reward, something comforting. And yet it is as addictive as cocaine and as readily available as your next trip to the pantry. If you have sugar cravings, or find you need a sweet pick me up at some point in the day, then listen in as we discuss the less than sweet side of sugar, and what to do about it.
