Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Everyday Acupuncture Podcast

Practical questions about Chinese herbs • Ian Kreidich • EAP050

February 13, 2016

Westerners honestly come by their apprehension, discomfort and distrust of Chinese herbal medicine. After all, we didn't grow up with this stuff. Our mother's didn't feed us "Cinnamon and Peony Decoction" when we had a cold, we got tomato soup and grilled cheese. Our culture has us going to the drugstore instead of the herb market. Plus, why should we take a medication we don't know anything about?
Today's guest is a patient from Yong Kang Clinic, and he's turned the microphone around and engages Michael Max with the questions most you probably have about the use of Chinese herbs, along with their sourcing and safety issues.
Listen in and find out how an acupuncturist thinks about Chinese herbal medicine, and some of the questions you should ask your practitioner if you are considering using Chinese herbs.
