Everyday Creative People

Everyday Creative People

Roger Nierenberg on music, conducting, and what it can teach us about leadership

July 30, 2019

“Being stuck is an important part of the creative process – every great creative advance has been preceded by being stuck. And it’s staying with that, and then suddenly you see it differently. You discover that… there are different forces at play here than what I thought, and there are different barriers, and some of the barriers that I was fighting against, they don’t even exist! They’re just a construct.” Roger Nierenberg is a conductor who has enjoyed long tenures as Music Director of both The Jacksonville Symphony (Florida) and the Stamford Symphony (Connecticut). His conducting work has brought him to the podium of The London Philharmonic, The Residentie Orkest, The New Zealand Symphony, The National Symphony, and the symphony orchestras of cities across the US, and he has collaborated with musicians from more than one hundred orchestras around the world. Roger is also the creator of The Music Paradigm, an interactive learning experience that brings teams into the orchestra rehearsal process to discover critical lessons about leadership and teamwork. Participants are seated directly amongst the orchestra musicians where they gain fresh understandings about the opportunities and challenges faced by their own organization. Over the past twenty years, Nierenberg has presented to hundreds of different organizations, from civic groups to Fortune 500 companies, in two dozen different countries. The lessons and experience of The Music Paradigm are shared in a narrative account through the book, Maestro: A Surprising Story about Leading By Listening. To follow Roger, you can find him on Twitter @rogernierenberg or on Facebook at The Music Paradigm.
