The Erick and Brad Show

The Erick and Brad Show

Episode 64

August 16, 2021

We're back for episode 64, Brad is stressed out, the summer is hot and smoky, Erick tells a joke, Brad watched The Godfather and The Graduate which got him thinking about songs that were made for movies and if the song became bigger than the movie, Erick almost took the baby to a movie and then didn't, Brad talks about Martin Luther King Jr speeches and then watched some Disney sports movies which made him mad at Disney, Ericks daughter is back in school and Portland is back dealing with Covid stuff, we both got into Facebook arguments this week and go over them, Erick cleaned his AR and accidentally substituted a piece while putting it back together, Brad listened to a JRE podcast about Yeonmi Park who escaped North Korea and we discuss that and woke culture and America, we talk about people getting DUI's, we talk getting buried vs cremated, Erick went down a YouTube rabbit hole for the nazi-punk band Screwdriver, and we talk about moving houses, jobs, and the future. email the show at Erick and Brad on YouTube: Erick and Brad on Apple Podcasts: Erick and Brad on Spotify: 
