EPIC Thought of the day

EPIC Thought of the day

#56 There’s more than one way to impress your audience in 90 seconds

March 12, 2017

I love TED Talks. If you haven’t become a follower of them and you want to become a platform master, then you need to subscribe to them.
Here’s why I love them, you have the chance to see a variety of people stand, exposed and vulnerable, in front of an audience… bringing a meaningful message. They have outstanding visual’s and most speaker’s start and finish, in around 18 minutes.

I especially like the way they start. The first 90 seconds. To be more precise. It’s not the traditional. Not boring. It’s usually a brilliant blend of heart and mind.
David Ogilvy, the advertising executive says, “When you advertise fire-extinguishers, open with the fire", and the same applies to your first 90 seconds. Brain research shows that we don't pay attention to boring things. So, don’t do boring!
Today, I’m going to give you just one of the ways you can open your next pitch, presentation, or speech. In fact, because there’s at least 10 ways to open, I’ve put together a little download for you, free titled 10 Ways to Open a Speech. You can download this from www.eugenemoreau.com/podcast56

Here’s an example of what you will find on the 10 Ways to Open a Speech download.

Be Contrarian.
By this I mean, make a statement that is universally accepted as ‘conventional wisdom’ and then then go against it by contradicting it.

For example, “If you were to ask almost any market trader they would tell you that it’s always wise to buy low and sell high. In fact, one would say it’s common wisdom. However, I think the advice of those market trader’s is wrong. Why? Because buying low typically means it’s going in the opposite direction from the most desired direction… which is up. That’s what I want to talk about today, ‘When Common Does Not Make Sense’.”

This is a provocative opening that engages the audience right away. You’ve reached out and grabbed them, engaged them, in the conversation by being a Contrarian.

Here’s the action point of the day.
Go to www.eugenemoreau.com/podcast56 and download 10 Ways to Open a Speech and the very next time you are preparing to engage an audience, use one them in your 90 second opening strategy.

There’s more to come.
