Epic Conquerors podcast

Epic Conquerors podcast

Latest Episodes

Be Strong
September 04, 2023

Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak discuss what it means to be strong in your faith, casting all fears aside and picking up your spiritual weapon to face an enemy who already knows defeat. Visit http://

Pursuit Of Peace
August 28, 2023

Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak look at a fruit of the spirit: Peace, and see the grand wonders peace can bring upon a heart troubled by the storms of life. Visit http://www.epicwin4u.com for links a

Radiant Joy
August 21, 2023

In today's episode Mama J and Chad talk about what joy truly means and how this wonderful gift allows us to experience whole-heartedly the goodness of God. Visit http://www.epicwin4u.com for links an

Be Like Him
August 14, 2023

Mama J and Chad discuss what it means to walk as the body of Christ, and what it looks like when we draw attention away from ourselves and direct it to God and those around us. The Quiet Brook: Time

The Rewards Of Giving
August 09, 2023

The gift of giving is the gift that keeps on giving. As we give to those around us according to God's guidance, blessings will return to us all the same; as discussed by Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanja

Time To Grow
July 31, 2023

Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak talk about growing in God and our transformation as we stay true to the good path Jesus set for us. Visit http://www.epicwin4u.com for links - and for show notes go t

Matthew 25
July 28, 2023

Judy takes a deeper dive into the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 and answers the question - how do I purchase the oil today? Visit for links and show notes: join in on the conversation @Ep

Strength To Strength
July 24, 2023

Mama J and Chad talk about The Quiet Brook and share how our journey with Christ is like exercising a muscle, growing from strength to strength. Visit http://www.epicwin4u.com for links and for show

Good Council
July 17, 2023

Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak are joined once again by Priscilla Zarinelli as they dive into her course: Psychology Of Leadership In Non-Profit Administration. Visit http://www.epicwin4u.com for li

Purposeful History - Priscilla Zarinelli
July 10, 2023

Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak are joined by Priscilla Zarinelli as she tells her story that lead her to the beaches of Normandy, a journey that opened her eyes even further to the glory of God. Vi
