The Elite Performance Podcast

The Elite Performance Podcast

"The Ugliest, Scariest and Most Rewarding Work of My Life" | Elite Performance Podcast #19

February 07, 2023

“It was the ugliest, scariest and ultimately the biggest and most rewarding work of my life”

In today's episode Ian Horley, a client of Itamar’s joins the podcast to share his transformation on how both his personal life and business have skyrocketed.

He opens the kimono and shares his 7 step roadmap on how he was able to shed the need to prove others wrongs and is finally able to focus on what he wants, play his own game, and win massively in both his personal life and business.

He also gives his very honest perspective on what makes a good coach vs a “bullshit one.”

Get a notepad ready because this episode is packed with practical gems.