Elizabeth And Joey Show

Elizabeth And Joey Show

Latest Episodes

Zombie Deer'Pocalypse
February 18, 2019

In this 4th installment of Elizabeth And Joey Show, They discuss Valentines Day Traditions, Valentines day Trivia, Zombie Deer Disease, Steve Harvey Vs Mo'Nique, Pres. Trumps National Emergency, Jussie Smollet Attack, What the heck is a "Muck Bang"? openi

February 08, 2019

Elizabeth & Joey discuss The Super-Bowl, Zeke has a new found admiration for the New England Patriots, Nipple-Gate?, Super-Bowl Trivia, A Florida Officer falsifies drug charges and 11 jailed are freed, New york Abortion follow-up,They bring in Jordan

We're Opinionated
January 28, 2019

Elizabeth & Joey discuss some more hard topics, like the Government shutdown, Hacienda Controversy, R Kelly again, NYC Abortion Law, Teen Driving and Dating w/Jordan their 15 yr old Daughter, Mom's Minute to Rant stay tuned if you can handle the touch

Don't Mistake Meekness For Weakness
January 17, 2019

In this episode Elizabeth and Joey talk about the controversial Gillette Commercial, They also talk about The R-Kelly Docu-series on netflix, Joey and Elizabeth talk directly to all men and ask them to step it up a notch, that is if you aren't already doi
