EFT Nation Podcast

EFT Nation Podcast

Latest Episodes

Tapping into the Emotional Roller-Coaster and Grief of the Pandemic
April 27, 2020

People are experiencing emotional extremes as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to effect communities and individuals in waves. Today we explore the role of grief as individuals experience the loss of so many things ranging from health to work and financ...

Tapping for Financial Fears from the Coronavirus Pandemic
March 20, 2020

In this podcast we explore many of the financial stressors and fears that so many people are experiencing with the current COVID-19 situation. Fear, anxiety, stress, anger, helplessness are kicking in from loss of work, business, clients and income.

EFT for Physical Conditions
March 09, 2020

Today’s episode explores effective ways to use EFT for working on relief of your physical symptoms. By focusing on the stressful emotions associated with your condition and learning to listen to your body’s reactions you can find the emotional contribu...

EFT for Self-Help
February 16, 2020

EFT for Self-Help: This episode we explore questions like how do I use of EFT for myself, how long should I tap for, should I do it myself or work with a professional, how do I do it in public without feeling embarrassed,

The Science of EFT
February 16, 2020

The Scientific Research Supporting EFT: This show summarizes how the published research defines EFT and highlights of some of the best studies demonstrating EFT’s effectiveness for chronic pain, gene expression, cortisol levels and more.

What is EFT?
February 10, 2020

What is EFT? There are many misconceptions regarding what EFT actually is. Listen to co-directors of the EFT Tapping Training Institute as they explore different ways to think about this healing modality used by millions of people around the world.

Welcome to EFT Nation
February 10, 2020

Welcome to EFT Nation with master EFT trainers Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner. Each future episode will feature a different aspect of the art, science or business of EFT Tapping.
