EFT Nation Podcast

EFT Nation Podcast

Latest Episodes

Using EFT for Changing Habits
December 26, 2022

Changingold habits and adding new ones can be challenging for all of us. The end of one year and the beginning of a new year is a time when many people consider habit changes. In this podcast we revi

When EFT Doesn’t Seem to be Working
October 23, 2022

Scattered amidst all the rave reviews of how EFT has profoundly transformed peoples lives are a smattering of reports that sound something like, well I tried EFT and it didnt work for me. Of cours

Targeting Back Pain with EFT Tapping
October 11, 2022

Back pain is a rampant, pervasive and expensive problem. Over 70% of individuals suffer severe back pain in their lives with nearly one third suffering from severe back pain in the prior 30 days. As a

Integrating EFT and Polyvagal Theory
September 28, 2022

Being polyvagal-informed is perhaps the newest catch phrase for trauma-informed healing arts practitioners. Polyvagal Theory (PVT), as developed by Stephen Porges, PhD and extensively written about

The 3 Biggest Legal Mistakes EFT Practitioners Make
August 29, 2022

OK, start tapping, in this podcast we focus on the legal stuff that can make some EFT Tapping practitioners nervous. We discuss with Midge Murphy challenges and misunderstandings regarding scope of pr

What is “Trauma Dumping” and How It Could Be Related to the “Trauma Pull” Phenomenon
August 10, 2022

Recently a TikTok video therapist got raked across the coals when they complained on the social media platform about her clients trauma-dumping on her. In this podcast we discuss the problem with th

Overcoming Feelings of Lack of Safety as a Source of Self-Sabotage / Secondary Gains / Psychological Reversals (Part 3 of 3)
July 05, 2022

When working to overcome many of lifes challenges or to change an unhealthy behavior our final category of why we may not feel ready for such a change is the sense of lack of safety. This is often ex

Overcoming Challenges of Self-Deserving as a Source of Secondary Gains / Psychological Reversals (Part 2 of 3)
June 20, 2022

Digging deeper into potential sources of secondary gains takes us to the arena of lack of deserving. When working to achieve something better in your life; i.e. healing from a chronic health condition

Overcoming “Identity Conflicts” as a Source of Secondary Gains / Psychological Reversals
May 18, 2022

We call carry the roles we identify with in the world that can both serve us and hold us back from change. Whether we identify as the good girl or the responsible one or the eldest or the selfl

Our Top 5 Considerations When Deciding on an EFT Training and Certification Program
April 27, 2022

Every week we receive multiple inquiries from individuals seeking information about EFT training and certification programs. Individuals that are seeking to look beyond the online marketing ads and eb
