

Mission Monday #041: Does Dressing Like a Professional Make You a Professional?

August 02, 2014

Mission Monday provides a plan to enhance school communities one week at time with intentional interventions that focus on building positive relationships between students, teachers, parents, and the community.  In this episode, Sam (@samuelstecher) makes Mark (@mc_bossy) play a game called “Defend Your Tweet.”  The issue of professional attire is addressed throughout the conversation, and they both strive to answer the question: “Does dressing like a professional make you a professional?”

We would love to hear your comments.

As always…Point. Click. Enjoy.

Hosts:  Mark Johnson and Sam Stecher

Contact us with any questions or comments. Also, if you would like to implement Mission Monday school-wide, we are available to come and talk to your staff. Just contact us to set up some professional development dates.  -Email at mm@edreach.us or share on Twitter by contacting @Mission_Monday

The post Mission Monday #041: Does Dressing Like a Professional Make You a Professional? appeared first on EdReach.
