Edify Unify

Edify Unify

EU3 The Power Of Your Conversation

May 24, 2013

In this episode I share teaching I delivered on Philippians Ch. 4.  Paul closes his letter to the church at Philippi by reminding them that our conversation is in heaven.  Our conversation refers to our citizenship.  At the same time our conversation has the power to change the way we feel about our neighbors, situation,  relationships and our church.

We know that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  Your words and expression will reveal the way you feel and think about a situation or a person.  Did you know that the path between your heart and mouth is a 2- way street?

Since the way that you feel will undoubtedly determine the way you speak about a situation, a person, or your relationship and the mouth is intricately tied to the heart, is it possible that you can change the way you feel by changing the way you speak?   

When I was an undergraduate student in pursuit of my first degree ( BA Communication Studies: Speech Communication )I was engaged in a course entitled Interpersonal Communication.  In this course we studied research that revealed the effect that your conversation has on your thoughts and feelings.  

In this episode you will learn:

  • What your conversation means for your identity
  • How your conversation with God can “Keep” you secure
  • How your conversation can allow you to change your outlook on a situation
  • How your conversation can change the way you feel about another person

     What are some ways you’ve used your conversation to build up yourself and another person?

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