Black Authors Network Talk Show

Black Authors Network Talk Show

Book Launch Party - RestoreHER 7 Steps to Healing Enlightenment, and Renewal

February 17, 2020

RestoreHER 7 Steps to Healing Enlightenment, and Renewal by Cheryl Lacey Donovan is now available!

We spend our days rushing from one task to another at work and home only to drop into our beds at midnight , completely exhausted. Our society has changed a great deal since our parents were in their prime.

Today we are addicted to speed, see busyness as a status symbol, take care of not only our children, but also our aging parents, and work as many hours as possible to keep ahead of the Jones’. It’s no wonder most of us ignore ourselves and our own needs. It seems like there is simply not the time to do more than grab food on the go and snag a few hours of sleep before starting it all again.

Read excerpts from the book and order your copy, go here:


Cheryl Lacey Donovan is a Motivational Speaker, Talk Show Host, Transformation Expert, and National Bestselling Author.

