Random Learnings With Hafsee

Random Learnings With Hafsee

Latest Episodes

Be Cautious of who you're advising.
January 28, 2022

We should advise people based on their nature. Imagine advising a blind man to look left & right before crossing the road... its a good advise but he's blind hence, a bad advice for him because of his nature.

October 31, 2020

This episode is about managing our identity while we have so many passions and talents. For people who are multi talented or Jack of many trades, it is usually difficult to call themselves "one thing" I believe it is safe and wise to not associate oursel

RWI's ep 1: "Vulnerability and Dating, Exploring Safer Options".
October 28, 2020

RANDOM WHAT IF's (RWI's) episode 1. What if there's a safer way to go about dating and trying new relationships. Without risking hurt, rejection, heartbreaks, emotional abuse or even your vulnerability. What if we turn the tables around and do the oppos

Feeling unlistened to. Communication 101; Episode 3
September 15, 2020

So many times we feel unlistened to in conversations or people we talk to complain we arent listening to them. This podcast aims to discuss why that happens and how we can manage such situations.

Communication 101 Episode 2 - Stop talking and start listening.
July 07, 2020

Being a good communicator involves the art of active listening. Here's a 15 minutes "how to" podcast on "Listening effectively"

How to communicate effectively. Communication 101. Episode— 1
June 23, 2020

What is communication and tips on communicating effectively.

WCW episode 1: Pursuing your dreams as a woman and dismissing insecure men
May 13, 2020

Pursuing your dreams as a woman and dismissing insecure men who aren't willing to accommodate or encourage your growth. + Who you are when you are alone determines how you are around people. As a single lady looking for a relationship, what do you have to

Communication 101: New series alert.
May 12, 2020

Communication 101 promises to be an enlightening and educational series. This series will address everything about effective communication skills. From as basic as how to Express yourself, to bigger issues like how to manage stuttering in conversations.

WCW Tips from official Blessing CEO. Pursuing success as a woman and dismissing insecure men.
April 29, 2020

Dear ladies,  Do not lower your standards to accommodate an insecure man or even a female friend. Men or people who get intimidated by women with aspirations and goals are mere cowards and you should make no room for them in you castle.  It's okay to co

Welcome to my podcast channel
April 14, 2020

A brief intro of things to expect from me on this channel.
