Eat for Life

Eat for Life

Ep 65: Understanding Die-off and Herx Reactions with Steven Wright

January 09, 2023

It's easy to get sidelined in your healing process and think you're having a particular detox reaction, die-off, or herx response that is actually something else. Or perhaps there's an underlying trigger that you're not quite seeing that's holding you back.

So as we usher in 2023, I've brought my friend, Steven Wright of the Healthy Gut Company, back on the show to talk about die-off and detoxification, what it is and what it isn't, and how you can best support yourself through this process, especially if you are working with a practitioner.

For years, Steven Wright struggled with a wide variety of severe digestive problems, which led him to create the SCD Lifestyle, and now the Healthy Gut Company.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What an actual die-off or herxheimer reaction is and how long it should last
  • How food sensitivities are often misconstrued as a die-off reaction
  • Why keeping a food mood journal is an important part of the healing process
  • How trauma, emotions, and your environment impact your gut microbiome
  • How supportive therapies such as digestive enzymes, HCL, and postbiotics can minimize symptoms
  • Expert tips on learning how to listen to your body's cues for more effective healing

Click on the episode link to read the full transcript along with a code for $15 off your Healthy Gut Company order.
