The Earbud_U Podcast

The Earbud_U Podcast

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode # 7 – Eddie Thomason

June 19, 2017

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode # 7 – Eddie Thomason, Speaker & Inspirational Entrepreneur

The fact is, entrepreneurship might be interesting and hot right now, but it wasn’t always this way.
The fact is, being a rapper or a hip-hop musician was seen as being the way to success, not that long ago.
The fact is, becoming an athlete (particularly an elite one) is still viewed as a path to success for many people.
The fact is that these are all narrow doors.
It’s never mentioned (or rarely mentioned) in breathless articles in Inc., or Fast Company, but the vast majority of entrepreneurs would be far happier aiming at making a living creating $3 million dollars in value for clients and the market per year, than they would trying to win the start-up lottery.
The vast majority of entrepreneurs fail; the vast majority of freelancers go back to working regular jobs; and, the vast majority of people are perfectly happy being employees.
If you get your head right about what exactly is on offer, and what exactly it’s going to take to attain and grow your entrepreneurial dreams, then you can stare all kinds of events, people, and incidents in the face and never blink.
Listen to the interview with Eddie and connect with him in all the ways that you can below.
And start the process of staring your dreams in the face.
Connect with Eddie all the ways that you can below:
Eddie’s Facebook Page:
Eddie’s YouTube:
Eddie’s Twitter:
