The Earbud_U Podcast

The Earbud_U Podcast

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode # 6 – Randy Shain

May 19, 2017

[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Five, Episode # 6 – Randy Shain, Author, 173 Pages Every College Student Must Read, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Mentor & Coach

Dear 2017 Graduates of High School and College-
Congratulations, you have come to the end of a long, traditional, mostly academic journey, whose steps and path were mainly decided for you by other people.
Now, upon graduation, you are in charge of your own decisions. And, where you may wind up at the end of the path known as your life.
I have been thinking a lot about your path, future conflict, and where you might wind up as adults.
I will not lie to you: Your seeming multiplicity of choices about when, how and why to start on your path really comes down to one deeply black and white choice. No matter what you have been told by professors, faculty members, or parents, the choice really comes down to answering unequivocally and thoroughly one black and white question:
Do you want to work or not?
Your work is not your job.
Your work is also not your passion.
I am not going to write here and tell you to “follow your passion.” That is often given, facile, advice provided to you by well-meaning, but misguided, people who operate organizations that may seek to hire you post-graduation. But more likely than not, they won’t.
But more likely than not, they won’t.
When you answer the much more interesting and pivotal question about whether or not to work in your own mind and heart, and to your own satisfaction, then you can make all of the other decisions that will cascade dividends throughout your entire life.
Let me paint you a picture:
I decided after the first ten years of being in the working world after college, that I wasn’t going to work a job—any job—another day in my life.
Think about that.
Now, make no mistake, I work at my business.
I work at my corporate training gigs.
I also work when I advise clients, take them through the sales process and get profit at the end.
I work when I write blog posts, do research, create videos and even do my audio podcast.
Like the one right here I did today with Randy Shain, author of 173 Pages Every College Student Must Read. But go get it after you read the rest of this.
In the traditional understanding of “labor,” both the Marxist and the Capitalist have it wrong: Labor is something that you can do for no money. And that labor—the labor that you decide needs no compensation—will assuredly be the labor that reflects your truest passions, desires, interests and goals.
And—trust me when I write this—money soon follows.
Your job (current or future) is not your work, college and high school graduates. Your job is merely a series of tasks that you accomplish in an organization in the pursuit of someone else’s passion.
This does not excuse you from performing in said job with excellence. As a matter of fact, it is your moral and ethical duty to perform any job task that you take on in the pursuit of working another’s passion, with excellence and moral verve.
At this point, you may be thinking, “This guy is crazy. First, he tells me that he’s not going to tell me to pursue my passion. Then he tells me something that sounds remarkably similar to that advice that I hear very often.”
Let me be even clearer: Many people, from James Altucher to Tim Ferriss talk a lot about “choosing yourself.” This is the idea that no one—not a boss, a parent, an authority figure in government or anybody else—can truly provide your life with security and meaning anymore. The rules, the safety net, and the promises of the Industrial Revolution are dead and gone. They represented a brief,
