The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Latest Episodes

Two Princeton Professors explained the virulent roots of Trump's Republican Party
April 15, 2020

Scott presents an interview with Producer Grant Stern and Princeton Professors Kevin M. Kruse and Julian Zelizer, who are co-authors of the new book “Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974," and explain how Trump's rise fits into decades o

Fred Guttenberg just explained how to get through the "horrific" coronavirus plague
April 14, 2020

Scott talks with Fred Guttenberg, the Parkland dad who lost his beloved teenage daughter and redirected his life towards tireless activism with his nonprofit group Orange Ribbons for Jamie. Fred also recorded a public service announcement recently for The

Lupus patient says it appears "Trump is selling drugs to fund his presidential campaign"
April 09, 2020

Scott speaks with patient advocate Peter Morley, who is a lupus patient taking the drug that Donald Trump is selling to the public at large as a coronavirus medication without any scientific data whatsoever, for which he was recently featured in Rolling S

Erin Brockovich just explained why Superman isn't coming, we all need to be activists
April 04, 2020

Scott talks with Erin Brockovich who told us the intensely personal story behind her story. Erin is one of America’s most successful activists, but also someone who is very busy duplicating her efforts for others to take up the mantle of environmental act

An ER doctor just explained why you should NEVER listen to Trump’s medical advice
March 31, 2020

Scott talks with Dr. Rob Davidson, who an ER Doctor in Western Michigan on the front lines of the fight to save COVID19 patients and the Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Medicare, a national advocacy group to improve the health of every Amer

Kurt Bardella tells us the sinister truth behind Trump’s racist coronavirus propaganda
March 24, 2020

Scott speaks with Kurt Bardella who is a national columnist and television commentator who left the GOP to become a Democrat and is leading the fight against Donald Trump’s overt program of racial discrimination against Asian-Americans during the coronavi

David Plouffe just explained how Democrats can generate a landslide to beat Trump
March 18, 2020

Scott presents an interview by producer Grant Stern with David Plouffe who is President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager and the author of a new book “A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump.” He guided both of President Obama's successful runs to

Ebola research physician says "Trump can't spin death," recommends cities take drastic measures
March 17, 2020

Scott speaks with Dr. Dena Grayson is both a medical doctor and holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular cell biology, and a major critic of the Trump response to coronavirus who brings lots of facts to bear. She’s not only a scientist but also a f

Top psychiatrist explains why Trump's coronavirus response is worse than having no leader at all
March 13, 2020

Scott speaks with Yale professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee about Donald Trump's failed response to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Lee is president of the World Mental Health Coalition and author of "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" which brings together the

Shannon Watts tells us about taking on the NRA—and winning
March 12, 2020

Scott speaks with Shannon Watts, who founded Mom's Demand Action to fight the gun manufacturer's lobby for sensible gun reforms who is also the author of “Fight Like a Mother: How a Grassroots Movement Took on the Gun Lobby and Why Women Will Change the W
