The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Eve Levenson just slammed gun companies for provoking panic buying to convert COVID deaths into cash

April 24, 2020

Scott speaks with March For Our Lives spokesperson Eve Levenson about how we can all achieve a future with a safer America, with smarter gun laws. She's a George Washington College student who represents the national group in the halls of Congress when she's not pursuing a unique professional career and helping lead the organization that mounted America's largest-ever youth protest in 2017. Eve started with a stark admonition of the horrid behavior of the NRA and the gun sales lobby during the coronavirus crisis but left our listeners with a reason to keep being hopeful while our country fights a life or death struggle against a pandemic.
"I think that one is that we really need to hold accountable the gun industry, which is taking advantage of this moment of crisis when people are getting killed to profit off of it," says Levenson. "You see, the NRA and other people affiliated with the gun industry are literally putting ads out there saying that 'you need a gun to keep yourself safe from the Coronavirus.' I think that the reality is that we know that the gun industry always profits off of moments like this. So we need to be holding them accountable. The other important thing is to acknowledge the fears that are leading individuals to want to go and get these guns."
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