The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Erin Brockovich just explained why Superman isn't coming, we all need to be activists

April 04, 2020

Scott talks with Erin Brockovich who told us the intensely personal story behind her story. Erin is one of America’s most successful activists, but also someone who is very busy duplicating her efforts for others to take up the mantle of environmental activism at She told us the story of what kept her going while juggling being a single mom, a legal professional staffer, and an activist and how you can use that in your every day lives. Erin Brockovich's new book "Superman's Not Coming" just hit store shelves in 2020, and you can see her in the documentary Last Call at The Oasis.
You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or at Barnes & Noble.
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