The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Gale Anne Hurd just explained how you can help achieve pay equity in Hollywood

November 26, 2019

Scott talks with Gale Anne Hurd, the legendary Hollywood producer behind cultural touchstones like the Walking Dead franchise on television as well as the  Terminator and Alien movies. Hurd told us about her impending launch of the third Walking Dead series in 2020, and about major developments in the Terminator franchise because a relatively new copyright law will give control back to her and James Cameron, its co-creators for the first time in decades. But her most poignant words had to do with the fight for gender equity in entertainment and empowering individuals, which is a central theme of her life’s work.
You can buy our new series of Meet The Candidates 2020 books about the top Democratic presidential candidates here on Amazon or at your local Barnes & Noble.

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Editor’s note: This post uses Amazon affiliate links to books. Gale Ann Hurd is a donor to the Democratic Coalition, which is Scott Dworkin’s employer.


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