Dr Steph

Dr Steph

What is Important About Living with Presence? Stress Buster Secret #51

November 19, 2015

Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.D., stress expert and energy therapy practitioner, shares her vast experience and research of health, healing and stress management into an entertaining and educational format. 

To begin lowering your anxiety, listen to what creates your anxiety and find out:

What is the root of anxiety?
What does it mean to be present?
What is the value of letting unconscious wisdom unfold?
Is happiness simply remaining present?
What does time and space are constructs mean?
How does it get any better than this?

Are you curious as to what you can do to feel more energized, be more efficient, feel happier, and have the changes you choose in your life? Spend some time with Dr. Steph and enjoy the journey to a healthier and more purposeful life!
