Dr Steph

Dr Steph

Is using a Doula Best for You? Stress Buster Secret #30

June 18, 2015

Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.D., stress expert and energy therapy practitioner, shares her vast experience and research of health, healing and stress management into an entertaining and educational format. 

Today's guest is Deborah Jaouen. Deborah is an experienced massage therapist, an energy worker and has been trained as a doula. She expalins why using a neutral person in the birthing experience is to your advantage.

To discover more, listen in and find out

What does energy therapy have to do with being a doula?
How do we traditionally percieve pregnancy and the birhting experience?
What are some resourses you have that a conventional doctor might not have?
What can a doula do to help the husband?
What do you think it will take to change to having a doula as being more common and useful?
How does it get any better than this?

Are you curious as to what you can do to feel more energized, be more efficient, feel happier, and have the changes you choose in your life? Spend some time with Dr. Steph and enjoy the journey to a healthier and more purposeful life!
