Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

Cybersecurity Career Roadmap – How to plan your career in cybersecurity

August 18, 2021

Schedule some time with Heather to review your resume for teaching IT/InfoSec/Software Development online teaching

Cybersecurity domain map
NIST Cybersecurity Workforce Framework

Think about your cybersecurity career roadmap. 

So in this video, I’m going to share with you a couple of different resources that you can use to help plan out your cybersecurity career or help plan out the cybersecurity career of your students. So this works very well for entry level people that are coming in to cybersecurity is as as an entry level employee. 

But this also works very well for people that they’re working towards, you know, upper management, senior management, the executive level as well. So these are some great resources that you can use for yourself and for your students to help them plan out their cybersecurity careers. So I’m gonna go ahead and share my screen with you right now. And right here is the first resource that I want to share with you, it is called let’s see that the map, let’s see and move myself out of the way. 

So map of cyber security domains by Henry Yang, and he released this, this is where I’m rev three, that one. This is like think the third version, obviously, it’s third version of it, and he keeps us updated. It’s really great. It’s a way to show all the different cybersecurity domains. So when you’re talking about cybersecurity careers, it’s not necessarily just I’m going to go into cybersecurity. There’s one pathway to it, right? 

There’s there’s one certification, there’s one degree you need. It’s It’s It’s not a linear pathway. And I liken it to the medical profession where the healthcare profession where people don’t necessarily say I’m going to go into healthcare, well, what aspect of healthcare you’re going to go into? Are you going to go into billing and coding? Are you going to go into insurance? Are you going to be a medical assistant? Excuse me a medical assistant? Are you going to be an RN and nurse practitioner? Are you going to be a surgeon? You know, a general practitioner, what is it that you’re going to do? Right? So cybersecurity has quickly become the same way. There’s a lot of different opportunities here in cybersecurity. And this cybersecurity domain map really shows a good solid, you know, all the different domains within cybersecurity. So you can start here, you can just you find sort of the one in the center, I guess, and it kind of branches off from there. 

So you’ve got security operations, career development, and user education, threat, intelligence, governance risk, you frameworks and standards that would might be compliance, application security, security architecture. So what I would suggest doing is find an area so if you already work within cybersecurity, and or your students already work within cyber security, and they want to advance their career, then you can come and look up, what is it that you already know how to do? What is it that your students already know how to do? And you can sort of branch out and go, Okay, well, maybe I need to get some skills in this area, or that area. The other thing, right, so maybe if you are, you know, you’re you’re really involved in security architecture, and maybe you’re really more involved on the data protection, data, data leakage, prevention, that kind of thing. 

But now you kind of want to maybe, maybe do a shift, or maybe you want to gain some more skills, because you want to get into you know, more of a technical leadership role or something that you might look at cloud security, you might look at identity and access management as a as a possible career paths to get some additional training. So this is a really great tool, I’ve linked to it in the description. Use it, it’s fantastic. I don’t think it covers absolutely everything within cyber security, just yet. But this is a work in progress that he is working on. And I think it’s I think it’s a great resource. So the next resource here is cyber seek. So you can go to this website, cyber 

And when you come to the homepage, right here, you can just hit on explore heat map, there’s, you can click around on this site, there’s a ton of different ways that you can use the site, but this is what I like to show people just to kind of give them like, you know, if they say okay, well I live in this particular area is cybersecurity a good career for me to consider. This heat map will show you the number of positions that are open in cybersecurity in your particular neck of the woods, as long as you’re based in the United States. And so it’s based on the nice cybersecurity workforce framework, which I will go over in a little bit, but all the jobs are aligned to the cybersecurity workforce framework, which is you know, operate, maintain security provision, etc. 

I’ll go over that a little bit. But what you can do is you can look at this heat map, and it shows you all the different states and how many positions are open in the in that state. So California has got 55,000, Arizona is that 13,000, New Mexico, 2000, Texas, almost 43,000. And then if you scroll down here, it shows that in the United States, there’s about 465,000 current job openings in cybersecurity. And there’s currently almost a million people currently employed in cybersecurity. And over here on the right, it tells you so what are the top cybersecurity job titles, and so you can tell you can, you’ll want to look into this to figure out are these entry level positions, mid senior level positions, that kind of thing you can, you can use this to look at that. 

So what you can do is you can click on your, whatever state it is that you want to look at, and it’ll tell you a little bit more of the same detail. So it’s 42,000 openings, there’s about 82,000 currently employed, these are the types of job titles that are out there. If you come down here, this is a really helpful to, you have to take this with a grain of salt, though. So it tells you how many certification holders there are for these particular cybersecurity certifications. And then it will tell you how many openings are requesting that certification. So you can see the security 

Plus, you know, that’s pretty much an entry level cybersecurity certification. It’s pretty much you know, a lot of people have it, but not that the job openings aren’t necessarily asking for it. But if you come down here, you’ll see that the CSP and the certified Information Systems auditor are there’s there’s a lot of job openings that are requesting that particular certification, which might tell you that the job openings in Texas are more advanced experience type roles, because these certifications require some experience. So you can kind of look at that and figure out where some of the job openings are. So you can also go, you can also search by metro area. So say you live in Dallas Fort Worth, and you want to know specifically the Dallas Fort Worth, what does it look like 19,000 open jobs 31, almost 32,000 currently employed, you can look at the number of certifications, it looks like a lot of their positions are asking for the CSP, there’s 4500 or so job openings that are requiring that. And there’s not enough certification holders to fill that role. 

I mean, you see the same thing happening here with the security plus where there’s more people than job openings that are requiring the security plus. So you can take that as a way to kind of identify where some of the opportunities are for you and your cybersecurity career. So that’s a great, this is a great website, I see I would say just kind of click through here, you can go to career pathways, and you can click on it. Say this is really good for people that are already working in tech, and they want to switch over to cybersecurity. So say you’re a software developer, it tells you there’s you know, over a million job openings in software development, but then it highlights all the different opportunities, that might be a really great way for you to transition to your skills. So if you look at penetration and vulnerability tester, I can click on that. 

And it it it gives me some information down here on what are some of the skills that are requested. So if you’re a software developer, you might want to consider going into pen testing of vulnerable vulnerability testing. So you’re really good at Python, you’re really good at Java, that might be a great way for you to transition that into cybersecurity. So click around on there, look at that guy. So this one is the workforce framework for cybersecurity. It’s developed by nice, which is the national initiative for cybersecurity education. This website is next it’s the national initiative for cybersecurity careers and studies. The framework was put out by nice, which is a subsidiary of NIST NYX has this great tool that you can use to identify some of the jobs and work roles that might be relevant for you and or your students in cybersecurity. So the cybersecurity workforce framework shows a couple different areas we’ve got analyze, collect and operate, investigate, operate and maintain overseeing, govern, protect, and defend and securely provision.

 So again, this is another one, you just come here, click around on it, see what you can find. But let’s say you want to go over here, you click on work roles, what you can do is you can click on this and just look for, you know, like, say, you go and you look online and you find a job opening for an enterprise architect, right. So you could come here, you could click on Enterprise Architect, hit Apply. And then what it’s going to do is it’s going to give you some of the knowledge, skills and abilities that you should have as an enterprise architect. So what you could do is, you know, if you or your students are interested in you know, they found a job robot Enterprise Architect, you could come here you can see like, what is it that is, is really skills that are required to be an enterprise architect. So this is, this is great if you know, the work role name, but if you if you look at the skills here, so you know, your particular skill that you have, so you might be have, you might have a skill in, let’s see here. Hmm, let’s see, what’s a good one here. 

Okay. So you got skills, your skill using VPNs. You can devices and encryption, right? So you can click on that, you know, you’ve got that skill, right. So what might be some great career paths for you. So what you can do is Alright, so this particular skill is relevant to these work roles. So communications security manager, cyber defense infrastructure support specialist, a security architect, those are a couple different work roles that require that particular skill. So you could do the same for let’s see, I’m skilled in Okay, I know hex let’s say I’m skilled in reading hex, hexadecimal data, right. So what work rolls required To be able to know hex right data analyst, so then I can do is I can click on that work role as a data analyst and it gives me all of the different knowledge skills abilities that I should have as a data analyst. And now don’t take this as you have to have every single one of these skills you don’t. But these are is a great way for you to sort of plan out Well, what do you want to get training in? 

What areas do you need to grow in your, in your skills and your experience and that kind of thing. So these are some of the resources that I always share with people as they’re trying to build out their cybersecurity careers, whether you’re trying to work with yourself for yourself to plan out your cybersecurity career roadmap, maybe you are your mid level employee or what you want to become, you know, an executive in cybersecurity. You can use this to plan out, you know, what are the different skills that you need to be able to pick up to be able to prepare yourself for that type of a position. 

It’s also great for people that already working in tech, and they want to transition into cybersecurity and even people that are brand spankin new to cybersecurity, no previous experience, it’s a great way to help to plan this out. So I want to thank you for listening to this video. If you’re still here, I want to share with you that I have a free tech teacher toolkit available for you. So again, this is part of my becoming an IT infosec technology educator series. So a lot of the people watching this might be people who are either currently an instructor or they’re working on becoming an instructor. So you can just go to slash tech teacher toolkit, and I’ve got the link up here. 

You can go there, you can download my toolkit. These are technology tools that I’ve used over the years. And some I use right now as an online it Information Security instructor. Just some great resources that you can use. If you are not a teacher and you are somebody who is really interested in advancing your own cybersecurity career. I urge you to check out other videos on my YouTube channel, my my podcast, cyber coffee talk. I’ve got a lot of really great information, resources, all that kind of good stuff for you. So I will see you guys in the next video. Thank you
