Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

How to teach online without a degree

August 13, 2021

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How to teach it online without a degree.

So say you are interested in giving back and helping to develop the next generation of IT professionals, technology professionals, and you want to teach but you don’t have a degree or you don’t have a degree in it, or computer science or something like that. So most of the time, when a University College community college is looking for somebody to teach a particular course, oftentimes they’re looking for somebody with a relevant degree. Generally, it’ll be a graduate level degree, especially if you’re teaching in a undergraduate bachelor’s degree program.

And I did a previous video on you know, how you can, you know, set yourself up for getting online teaching positions, you know, you’ve got the degree, you’ve got the credentials, etc. But what happens when you don’t have those credentials, what happens when, you know, maybe you are a very skilled individual, you’re skilled network engineer, but you don’t have a college degree. Or maybe you are currently working in cybersecurity, and you’ve got an English degree.

Alright. So there are some things that you can do. So first of all, some universities and colleges, community colleges, they can qualify you to teach a course based on your work experience. So if you think about how, you know there are certain maybe music musicians, famous musicians, famous artists, etc, that are able to teach at a university, and they may not necessarily have a degree, well, they’re, they’re being qualified based on their work experience. So there are some ways that you can still teach at a community college, or a university, that kind of thing.

But you can teach, you might want to look into teaching for IT Training companies, they fall outside of some of the accreditation requirements that you know, that institutes of higher education fall under. So if you look for your corporate training organizations, it training organizations, people that go out and do certification trainings, people that go out to do your trainings at at companies on site training, and even online training as well. So you can look for sort of that corporate training model that is looking to you where they were a company will come and hire you to teach their staff. So the other option that I really highly recommend is to build your own courses.

So just because you don’t have the right credentials, to be able to teach in some other areas, or maybe you do have the right credentials to teach in some other areas, I firmly believe that you should develop your own courses, create a, you know, create a business around this, and I’ve spoken about this in previous videos is that to treat online teaching to treat your online teaching endeavor as a career, and there’s going to be a lot of different ways that you’re going to earn revenue in this in this business, or I said, treat his crew treated as your business, right. But there’s going to be a lot of different ways that you’re going to generate revenue out of this.

And so one of the ways you’re going to do that is to build your own courses and sell them yourself. And you can do that in a couple of different ways. There are online learning marketplaces where people can go, they can develop their courses, and they can, you know, sell them there. So a site like Udemy is a really good example of that. A lot of times that certain topics are oversaturated.

And, you know, there’s, there’s a lot of courses on, you know, some of the entry level certifications, that kind of stuff. And some of these courses are very, very, very cheap.

So, there, you’re not necessarily going to generate a lot of income, you could, but you’re not necessarily always going to generate a lot of income, you can look at other companies, LinkedIn learning, you know, Coursera, some of these other organizations that they have partnerships with organizations to help develop, you know, develop online learning materials, so you can look at those kind of companies as well. But then I also think that you know, you can use there’s a lot of different you know, teaching platforms available, that you can use right on your own website, teachable.

Thinkific is one that I use, I’ve used teachable in the past. But these are learning management systems. If you if you’ve worked in K 12, you might have experienced with Canvas, that’s another one that you can go and create and develop your own courses. But then you’re responsible for finding students and enrolling them and getting them in there. The great thing about the hosted learning management systems is that the billing and you know, setting up lead pages and all that kind of stuff is handled in that system. So I do highly recommend using Thinkific. It is one that I use and just I highly recommend it. So this does take you a little bit longer you have to develop your course curriculum. If you’re going to do any videos or tutorials, that kind of stuff. You have to record them.

You don’t necessarily need a grandiose setup or anything to be able to record it you can do something as simple as using the webcam in your computer or the camera on your phone. That Certainly acceptable to be able to video your course. But then you also have to, you know, create any create any resources that you’re going to use with the course, then you have to, of course market and sell it, and then do that continuous improvement on it as you get feedback from your participants from your students you want to continually be doing, you know, that that continuous improvement.

And so again, this is where this becomes, you know, your own business, this is where this becomes something that you are creating for yourself, you’re creating a marketing it, selling it, that kind of thing, allows you to a couple of different things. So when you go when you teach for somebody else, you are bound by their schedule, when and where they want you to teach nothing wrong with that they’re running a business, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, that’s when their students need to be need to available things like that.

But if you want to set your own schedule, if you wanted to set up your own, you know, time that you’re actually going to be teaching, you could develop your own course. And if you’re delivering it, you know, it live in person or either you know, resume or something like that, you get to set schedule, you get to say, I’m going to do this on Tuesday nights at six o’clock, or whatever it ends up being.

If you do this, and you have pre recorded self paced, online online learning systems, or online learning courses, then you students go through it as you as they would like. And then you can offer up office hours you can offer up your time that you can be available to answer questions, that kind of thing. And so you really have control them over what and when you teach and then how much income you generate from that, as well.

So this gives you the flexibility and the freedom for teaching it online, outside of an educational institution or a school, that kind of thing. But just remember that just because you don’t necessarily have the right degree in the particular field that you want to teach. There are certain there are certainly ways that you can teach within community colleges, trade schools, vocational schools, universities as well. But then also take a look at developing your own content and even look at working with it training providers. And so these are a couple different ways that you can get started with your online it teaching career
