Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

Cyber Coffee Talk with Dr. Heather Monthie

How to Create a Resume or CV for Your First Online Teaching Job (Advice from a former Higher Education Vice President and Dean)

August 12, 2021
Advice from a former University Dean and Higher Education Vice President on How to put Together a Resume or CV for Your First Online Teaching Job in IT or Cybersecurity

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Schedule some time with Heather to review your resume for teaching IT/InfoSec/Software Development  online teaching

How to create your resume for your first online teaching position teaching it information security or any other technology related courses.

So in this video, I’m going to share with you some steps that you can take to put together a effective resume or CV for your first online teaching position. 

The first thing I always tell people to do is to really hone in on what it is that you’re going to teach, what is it that you are a specialist at? What is it that you could walk into a class today, and teach the class without a whole lot of prep time? The reason I say that is because oftentimes, especially when you’re brand new to teaching, you know, you look back at your own career and say, well, I’ve done this, I’ve done this, I’ve done this, you’ve done a lot of things, you’ve had a long and lengthy career. And now you’re ready to give back and start helping to develop the next generation of IT professionals and infosec professionals, right. 

But in order for you to be able to teach some of those things, you’re probably going to need a lot of prep time just because maybe it’s been five years, maybe it’s been 10 years since you’ve done some of these things. And so you got to kind of get it back into the forefront of your mind, right. So if you sit down and think about what are the things that I could sit down and I could teach a class on right now today, without a whole lot of prep time, just kind of read over the materials, look at the syllabus to see what we’re teaching and in what order that kind of thing that really focus their focus there so that you don’t burn yourself out. 

If you if you start teaching a course that you have to do a lot of prep time for for your first couple, you know, your first time teaching or your first couple of courses that you’ve taught, it’s gonna burn you out. And that’s the last thing we want to have happen is heavy, heavy burnout on teaching. So think about what it is that you are going to specialize in that you can really just walk into a class today and teach that particular class, okay. So make sure you highlight that on your resume. 

Your credentials really, really do matter when you are when you’re trying to get into an institute of education that has accreditation requirements around it. So we’re talking community colleges, vocational schools, universities, colleges, etc. So if there’s any sort of accreditation around the program, there’s going to be some credentialing requirements that the people who are teaching need to have. 

So for example, if you’re teaching in a vocational program, and the are you’re teaching a certification, so if you’re teaching the security plus certification, you should probably have the security plus certification yourself. If you are teaching at a community college level, generally, you need a bachelor’s degree in the field in which you want to teach. And then if you want to teach at the university level at the undergraduate level, you need to generally need a master’s degree in the field in which you want to teach. 

Now what happens if you don’t have a degree in the field on what you want to teach. There’s a lot of people working in the technology profession, that you know, they’ve got degrees in history got degrees in English got degrees in business, but you’ve been working as a cloud architect for a long time. So there are ways that you can still teach online, without a degree in your field and tomorrow’s video, I will cover that in at length, so that you can learn some of the steps that you can take so but as you’re putting together your resume or your CV, your credentials are very important to the hiring manager. 

So make sure you highlight any degrees that you have. And then certifications that you have read just right at the top of the resume, put it right up there because it is it is very important when you’re filling positions at an at an accredited academic institution. Micro credentials are something that’s huge right now, if you’re seeing them a lot in the IT industry and a lot of other industries as well. It’s a little bit harder to justify those for for credentials to teach a particular course, but they certainly do help to show that you know, your content, you know the topic, it helps to show the hiring manager, whoever’s making that decision that you know, you do know this topic. 

So you can include those but just know that those aren’t necessarily going to be always considered when when qualifying you to teach a course at an accredited institution. If you are applying at a company, like a corporate training company, something that you know, is outside the bounds of accreditation. So you’re talking like corporate training, companies that do e learning for, you know, for technology professionals, things like that. 

Certainly highlight those, your microcredentials as well, because they can take those into consideration when they’re when they’re when they’re looking to hire somebody to teach a course for them. So absolutely include those. And then you want to think about any prior teaching experience that you already have. 

So you want to have a section in there of teaching experience, even if you don’t have formal classroom teaching experience, create a teaching experience section and sit down and spend some time figuring out where it is that you’ve done some things Teaching, maybe you have taught a class at the senior center on how to use email, how to use Facebook, stuff like that. Maybe you have done some mentoring in your own company or in a previous position where you mentored new graduates, you have mentored, you know, interns, maybe you mentored somebody into, you know, going from a technical role into a management role. All of that kind of stuff, you know, even if it’s one on one, all that kind of stuff shows that you are dedicated to educating and helping people to achieve their career goals. 

So don’t necessarily think about the fact that you’d never maybe never stood up in front of a class of 30 people and taught, of course, have you ever done anything to help people achieve a goal, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be teaching in the field in which you want to teach. So say you’re a cloud architect, and you want to teach online courses on cloud architecture, cloud security, that kind of thing. But you have some experience working with, you know, some some of the scouts organizations, and and mentoring young men, young women in to becoming good solid leaders, right? 

highlight that kind of stuff that really just shows that you’re dedicated to helping people achieve goals. And that, you know, there’s sort of that educator at heart within you. So make sure that that’s on your resume as well. And then, especially if you’re applying to teach for online positions, you’re not maybe you’re not creating your own online courses and your own online, your course business, maybe you want to go teach for an existing academic institution or educational company, make sure that you highlight any experience that you have with working with virtual teams, especially if you’re teaching online, your students could potentially be global, which means different time zones. 

So if you need to meet with a student, you know, highlight some of the things that you maybe you’ve done to help manage a virtual team. And because if you have a student, like I said, that’s in a completely different time zone as you they have a question you How are you going to manage it. So you want to be able to show that kind of stuff. So make sure you highlight all those kinds of things. So you can get online you can find a lot of different templates out there. I do help people you know, come up with a resume put together the resume I’ve been a hiring manager in in higher education for a long time. And so I’m able to provide some support. So if you are interested in working with me one on one on your resume and putting together your resume for an online teaching position specific to it information security, software development, data science, Ai, those kinds of fields, please feel free to reach out to me. I’ve got a link in the description below. And let’s get you all set and ready to go for your first online teaching position. 
