Dr. Momma Says

Dr. Momma Says

Latest Episodes

25. Severe Strep Throat Complications
December 27, 2018

Dr. Burton discusses an important cause of a sore throat and shares some potentially severe strep throat complications that everyone needs to know.

24. Toddler Speech Delay: A Physician's Perspective
December 16, 2018

Dr. Burton shares a physician's perspective and overview of toddler speech delay, which needs to be defined and evaluated before treatment is discussed.

23. Stop Asking Physicians for These 7 Things
December 05, 2018

Dr. Burton has shares the results of her discussions with thousands of physicians who would like patients to stop asking physicians these 7 things.

22. What's the Best Alternative to Nose Vaseline?
November 28, 2018

Dr. Burton describes the dangers of frequent use of nose vaseline as a treatment for dry noses or nosebleeds and she shares the best alternative to use.

21. Excellent Healthcare Occurs Inside A Physician's Lane
November 14, 2018

Dr. Burton knows the health consequences of gun violence and understands a physician's lane. She rejects the NRA demand that physicians stay in their lane. #ThisIsOurLane

20. Several Sinus Surgery Types That Make A Big Impact
November 12, 2018

Dr. Burton discusses how chronic sinus infections may not resolve with medications and that there are several sinus surgery types that may be helpful.

19. Beware of Dangerous Sinusitis Complications
November 08, 2018

Dr. Burton continues her series about sinusitis and now shares some of the dangerous sinusitis complications that can happen and need to be prevented.

18. Which Sinusitis Treatment Options Are Best?
October 31, 2018

Dr. Burton discusses many sinusitis treatment options which can be used depending upon the severity of the infection and other associated problems.

17. Compare Tests to Diagnose Sinus Infections
October 24, 2018

Dr. Burton discusses different methods that physicians use to diagnose sinus infections and shares the differences between them.

16. Everything You Need To Know About Sinus Cavities
October 17, 2018

Dr. Burton shares an easy to understand discussion about the facial sinus cavities and explains their locations, their function and some of their diseases.
