Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL081: Poirot - Careless Victim - But how did you know?

December 01, 2016

[Bigstock/Big Pants Production]  Poirot points out the clues Miss Fletcher and Inspector Stevens are quite amazed at Poirot. How did he figure out that this man wasn't Mr Parrish? Over tea in the airport café, Poirot identifies the clues he had noticed along the way and explains how Kent carried out his act of deception right under their noses. A paradox Mr Parrish wasn't very consistent in his behavior. When Poirot noticed his mismatched socks, he couldn't dismiss it from his thoughts. Alongside some other clues, it was the paradox that led him to understand who he was dealing with. Poirot's problems get ironed out Solving the murder had a couple of perks for Poirot as well. Listen to see how he benefited from getting involved in this case.   Keywords: Act 3: Scene 1 impersonate: pretend to be sb. else; to pose as sb. else   假冒, 冒名,假扮 Impersonating a police officer could really land you in trouble. paradox: (1) sth made up of two opposite things and seems impossible, but is actually true; (2) sb who does two things that seem to be opposite to each other, or who has qualities that are opposite; (3) a statement that seems to say two opposite things (it is seemingly contradictory), but that may be true   悖論 Life is full of paradox. For example, you may love animals, yet still eat meat. ardent: enthusiastic, eager, earnest, intense, fierce   熱心,烈 The ardent environmentalists get nicknamed ‘tree-huggers’ because they sometimes go out into the forest to protect the trees from the logging companies. shade: a color slightly different from another, a color with a darker or lighter value   濃淡 That color will make the room look too dark, but a lighter shade of it might look nice. colorblind: unable to see the difference between certain colors   色盲的 The colorblind guy unknowingly crossed the road on a red light. He thought it was green. swindler: someone who uses lies and tricks to take another person’s money 騙子 The swindler tricked people into investing in a scam, and then ran away with their money. formula: a list of chemical ingredients and how much of each one to mix together into a compound   配方,處方 You have to know the formula to get the right color of dye. the proper authorities: an official whose job it is to do what you need them to do   有關當局 You should report that swindler to the proper authorities. counterfeit: (v) to make a fake copy, an imitation   偽造,仿造 The new plastic money is harder to counterfeit. reap a fortune: to make a huge profit 獲取暴利 Some companies have reaped a fortune in online sales while other companies have gone bankrupt. admit: allow sb to come in, to let sb enter   接待 Don’t lose it. You won’t be admitted into the theatre without a ticket. be disposed of: (被動詞) be gotten rid of, be thrown away   出手;清除;除;甩掉 The suspect says the gun was disposed of by tossing it into the lake. proof: (n) sth which shows that sth else is true or correct; evidence   證據;證 That’s a nice theory, Inspector, but you don’t have any proof that it is true. mission: a job, a task, an assignment   任務 The Mission Impossible TV shows always began with a self-destructing recording of the mission. the jig is up: the game is finished; the trick is over (because sb sees through it)   詭計被發現了 The gangster disguised himself as an old man, but the jig was up when a policeman noticed that the old man’s eyes looked too young. alley: a narrow street, perhaps behind buildings   弄;巷 The boys like to play street hockey in the alley where there’s not much traffic. eliminate: get rid of   除、幹掉、做掉 The other cyclist lost control and wiped out eliminating him from the race. ward wagon: a truck or van used by police to carry prisoners   囚車 The police searched the suspects for weapons before taking them by ward wagon to the police station. Perks for solving the crime:
