Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL080: Poirot — Careless Victim — Tragedy strikes

November 17, 2016

[Photo: Bigstock/YakobchukOlena] Tragedy Strikes Laura missed seeing her father, and now he’s been in an accident. Inspector Stevens heads for the accident scene. A Mad Rush But Poirot doesn’t. He’s miles ahead of everyone else in his analysis of the clues. He’s been ‘employing the little grey cells’ and realizes that the accident is just a clever trick. He heads for the airport instead. He has to stop Hilary Kent! Keywords: Act 2: Scene 5 automobile: a motorized passenger vehicle 汽車 What kind of automobile does he drive? duties: responsibilities, tasks that are to be done as part of one’s job 責任 In the job interview, they told me what my duties would be. vehicle: a machine for transporting people or goods 車輛、交通工具 Those transport trucks can be dangerous vehicles. I don’t like to pass them on the road. impose on: to take unwarranted advantage of sth; to take advantage of sth when social rules would tell you not to  利用 I really don’t want to impose on you. I can stay in a hotel and still spend the day with you. injured: to be hurt, to be wounded 受傷 How badly was he injured when he fell? be intended to: according to sb else’s deliberate plan for you; be supposed to VERB; should have VERBed 該,應該 I forgot my purse. When I went back to get it, I overheard a conversation that I was not intended to hear. Act 2: Scene 6 amiss: not quite right, abnormal, fishy   不對勁 I have a feeling that something is amiss. I don’t know what it is, but something just isn’t right. misadventure: to have experienced something unfortunate 運氣不佳的遭遇 The reporter wanted to hear all about his misadventure and how he overcame it. It made for a good human-interest story. relieved: free of anxiety 寬心 Ah, I am so relieved to see you safe and sound! delay: postpone, put off until later   延期,延緩 We must go immediately. We cannot delay this for another day. you beat me to it: you are quicker than me; you did it before me 你勝過了我;你比我快 I wanted to do my presentation on that topic, but it looks like you beat me to it. realize what’s cooking: know the significance of what’s happening 猛醒;正確認識當前的形勢 By the time our guard realizes what’s cooking, he’ll be too late to do anything about it. We will have already escaped! sabotage: to secretly damaging sth belonging to your enemy to hamper (make them less effective) or hurt them 破壞 When the mechanic checked the brake line, he saw that it had been cut. This was no accident. The car had been sabotaged! hang around: to pass time, to stay aimlessly in a place 浪蕩,懶辦法 The teens hung around the shopping mall all day because the air conditioning made the indoors more comfortable than outside. see that (sth) gets DONE: oversee sth; help bring sth about; facilitate sth happening 促成 A manager shouldn’t have to do everything himself, but he must see that everything gets done. crate: a wooden box for shipping items   條板箱 The fruit was put in crates and shipped to supermarkets around the country. I’m much obliged: I am very grateful and I owe you a favor. 叨光; 我只能叨光了 Thanks for fixing my computer for me. I’m very much obliged. privilege: an honor 殊榮 It’s my privilege to serve you. break the case: solve the case; solve the mystery 破懸案, 破案 Did Inspector Stevens break the case? mad: crazy, insane 瘋, 瘋狂 You can’t go out! It’s a typhoon! You must be mad! Quizlet These words are all posted on Quizlet as English-Chinese flashcards and games.   Let’s talk Earlier in the play, when Hilary Kent threatened Poirot, Stevens, and Miss Fletcher with a gun, Poirot said, “But obviously, Inspector, this is the man we seek! Monsieur Jonathan Parrish.” Can you explain Poirot’s comment? Was he mistaken? Please leave a comment below.
