Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL073: You're Better Off Guilty ~ Act 3: Scenes 1, 2, & 3

August 11, 2016

CBS Radio Mystery Theatre — You're Better Off Guilty ~ Act 3: Scenes 1~3 [Photo by Eulin/Bigstock.com] A Promotion? Really? Thanks to Bell, Ralph's new image is better fitting the public's view of what a celebrity's killer-lover should look like. His notoriety is putting Stratton & Company on the front page of newspapers. Bell understands that this is to Ralph's advantage. She does him a huge favour by hinting to Mr. Stratton that Ralph might leave the firm to find a better job elsewhere. Becoming Unnerved Ralph is enjoying his fame. He plays the part of a cool dude in charge of his destiny...that is, until Inspector Dorset unnerves him with the mention of the murder weapon. How will it all end? We’re getting near the end of the story. In fact, we just have one more episode after this one. Can you predict the outcome? Will Ralph finally give in to the Inspector and confess, or will someone else confess to the crime,...or does the Inspector finally find the evidence he needs? Keywords: guilt (feelings): a bad feeling caused by knowing or thinking that you have done something bad or wrong  (This is different from a court trial where the defendant is found either innocent 無罪, or guilty 定罪)     歉疚、內疚 The guilt was too much for her to take so she finally admitted to doing the crime. betray: reveal  流露 His conniving smile betrayed his true motive. burrow:  dig its way into the ground  打洞 The wolverine can burrow into the ground faster than a strong man digging with a shovel. provided (that): if, as long as   只要、倘若 I will go this time, provided you go with me next time. constitute: form, compose, make up  構成 Your attack on the government building constitutes a betrayal of your country. dismayed: disappointed, worried, or upset  沮喪, 心慌意亂 He was dismayed when she said no to marrying him. notoriety: bad reputation  臭名、惡名 < /br>The gangster's notoriety was well known and people were afraid of him. research aid:  an assistant to the main researcher  助理研究員 The professor gave the time-consuming, repetitive work to his research aid. voluptuous: a woman who is attractive because of her large hips and breasts 豐滿肉感 Marilyn Monroe was a voluptuous woman that many men fell in love with. sly: tricky, crafty, cunning  狡猾、油猾 Watch out for that student, he is a sly one who will try to trick you. cryptic: difficult to understand, seeming to have a hidden meaning, ambiguous 晦澀、隱秘 The kidnap victim spoke to us on the phone. The call was very cryptic. Now it’s up to us to figure out what she meant. effective: producing the desired results  有效 Your speech was very effective to change their minds. promotion: a move up in one’s job to a higher position 晉級、升職 He got the promotion to become the new director. match: to offer a salary equal to the salary offered by the competition  敵、出價同樣的薪水 If you donate one-hundred dollars, as secret donor will match the amount. marvellous: extremely good or enjoyable  奇妙 Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are having a marvelous time at our show tonight. off the record: describes information that was given in an interview, but that cannot be published or shared with anyone in any way  私底下; 非正式且不便公開的    Okay, off the record, do you think he did it? up in the air: (fig.) undecided, unresolved   未定、懸而不決 Where and when to move is still up in the air. We have not decided yet. fall into the groove: to pass into a state of doing something well and easily because you’ve caught the hang of it, because you’ve learned it through repetition  【口】熟悉某物的用法; 掌握做某事的方法 Learning to dance is not so hard as long as you fall into the groove. obscure: not well-known; not known to most people  默默無聞、無名 Knowledge about the Voynich Manuscript is obscure as
