Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL071: You're Better Off Guilty, Act 2, Scenes 1-3

July 14, 2016

  Reporter: Inspector, you've got to give us something for the evening news. Inspector Dorset: At this time, the department is following a certain line of investigation. Now, if you all will excuse me… [Photo by volkovslava: BigStock]   Put two and two together “Put two and two together” is an idiom. When we “put two and two together”, we are able to draw a conclusion from the information or evidence that we have. So why am I calling this episode "2+2=4"? Well, the inspector gets new information, puts it together with what he already knows, and “Voila!” He’s sure he’s on the right track!   Key Words: Act 2: Scene 1 fixed (idea): (adj.) a set idea, an unchanging idea 一定(觀念) He will not change his mind once he is fixed on an idea. He is stubborn. obsession: (n) sth that one cannot stop thinking about 著迷、著魔、鬼迷心竅 His latest obsession is looking into the idea that the earth may actually be flat. impression: (n) an unclear idea or memory 印象 It is my impression that you are not happy with this job. Am I right or not? prejudice: (n) an opinion formed before you had enough information to form a fair opinion 偏見 Don't let your prejudice against them stop you from really understanding what they are trying to say. They may be right. take root: (v + n) get established, with roots growing deeper into the soil 扎根 The idea that he might fail the class took root, so he worked much harder to pass. tickle: (v) tempt, entice, stir up curiosity 誘使、引逗 What you said about the new business idea has really tickled my mind. I will have to think more about it. fertile soil: (adj + n) the nutritious top layer of dirt that is good for growing plants 沃壤、肥沃的土壤 Great ideas begin developing in the fertile soil of a busy mind.   Act 2: Scene 2 evidence: (n) proof 證據 You have no real evidence that it was I who broke the vase. mislead: (v) lead astray, cause sb. to go in the wrong direction; give sb. the wrong idea 誤導 、妖言惑眾 The cult leader mislead the followers to a bad end. following a certain line of investigation: trying to solve a crime by finding evidence, coming up with a theory, following up on that theory to find more evidence, etc 依循某個調查程序 After looking at all the evidence and following a certain line of investigation, I have concluded that it was the butler who did it, in the kitchen, with a lead pipe. in due time: when the time is right 適時 Be patient. The truth will come out in due time. Act 2: Scene 3 restless: (adj) unable to settle down, worried, anxious 焦躁不安、坐臥不安 Sit still and wait for the fish to bite. They will not come here if you are too restless moving around. homicide: (n) murder 命案 The man was killed at 11pm and I phoned 911 when I heard the scream, but the homicide investigators didn't show up until 3 hours later. glamour: (n) an exciting romantic attractiveness, a fascinating attraction 魅力 There is no glamour in cleaning toilets, but someone has to do it. domestic: (adj) doing household chores and crafts for one’s family 顧家 (喜歡做家事、照顧家庭) It is hard to find good domestic help that will also clean windows. white-collar: (adj) having an office job 白領;上班族 Working in a bank is such a white collar job. accountant: (n) the person who keeps the financial records of a business 會計、會計師 My uncle, the accountant, recommends were make a budget. inflation: (n) a continual increase in the price of goods and services 通貨膨脹 The cost of food has increased but my wages have not. I hate inflation.   Have you tried Quizlet yet?   Let's Talk: When you put two and two together, what do you come up with? Are you coming to the same conclusion as Inspector Dorset? Have you got a theory about this case? What do you think? Is Ralph just the guy who found the body, or is he more involved in this case? Please share your thoughts!
