Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL070: You're Better Off Guilty - Act 1, Scenes 2 & 3

June 30, 2016

Ralph: I saw this great looking sports car, this Girardi 462, and I saw someone slumped over the wheel.   A Growing Suspicion Ralph is connected to the Jill Joras case because he was the one who found her body. She was slumped over the steering wheel of her car. Ralph could tell she wasn't just sleeping. Shocked, he hurried from the scene. He immediately found a police officer and reported his discovery. That makes him a witness. But his connection stirs up doubt in people's minds. It is not only the police inspector who begins to see Ralph as a possible suspect. Ralph kowtows to his boss Ralph's boss is worried that maybe...just maybe...Ralph did kill the young star. Just think of how that would affect his company. He could imagine clients and investors dropping him for other accounting firms. He calls Ralph into his office and tells him to just let it all blow over quickly. Ralph says, "Yes, sir... Yes, sir," even though he doesn't have much control over this. Ralph is hoping for the same outcome. Ralph's boss says he's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is a strange thing to say to someone who is a witness, not a suspect, in a crime. Home — A Safe Haven? Ralph wants to go home and rest, get away from all the craziness. It's been a rough day! But he ends up having to defend himself to Sylvia, his fiancée. Even in his closest relationship where there should be trust, there is suspicion. Keywords Act 1, Scene 2: suppose: I suppose that… , I guess…, I expect… 猜想、想、認為 Do you suppose I will ever be able to play the guitar as well as her? plastered all over… : spread everywhere, posted everywhere 宣揚、傳開 I was shocked to hear that my name had been plastered all over the wall at my school yard. blown over: forgotten by the public, calmed down, subsided (lit.) 吹過、(fig.) 全忘了 、遺忘 、平息 His affair with the singer had blown over so he decided to run for president. the benefit of the doubt: consider sb. innocent until proven guilty 無罪推定、姑且相信 I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because we have a better suspect now. assuming: believing something is true without checking to make sure 假設、假定 We will arrive by ten in the morning, assuming the weather stays nice. indiscreet: not showing good judgment, revealing things that should not be revealed 欠慎重的、輕率的 I am in trouble now that you have been indiscreet in telling everyone what I did. buried deep down: hidden from view 埋藏 Alright, you should relax so that any memory you have buried deep down can come to the surface and we can face it together. Act 1, Scene 3: long distance: (adj) a phone call to a distant place that will be charged at a higher rate than a local call 長途、 長途電話 You have a long distance call from Hawaii. Do you accept the charges? fiancé: (n) a man who has committed to marrying his girlfriend, but who is not married yet 未婚夫 Is she really going away this weekend with her fiancé? I'm surprised. citizen: (n) a person who belongs to a country and has legal rights and duties to that country  公民 As a citizen of the New World Order, you must report your parents to the police. supposed to: should  該 Even though you do not agree with the choices, you are supposed to vote anyway. slumped: (adj) having a drooping posture, leaning over and resting on sth. 倚靠的 After drinking the bottle of vodka, he was slumped at the table in the corner. mind your own business: pay attention to your own affairs, not those of others; don’t be nosy 別管閒事、少管閒事 I do not need to remind you to mind your own business when it comes to listening to the office gossip. could tell: (v) able to see and differentiate; able to see the difference between two people, things, or situations 看得出、分辨 Are you okay? I could tell that you were not really paying attention in the meeting this morning. sprawl: (v) spread out 鋪
