Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL066: The Lady Was a Tiger — Act 3, Scenes 1-4

May 05, 2016

Rozanski: The injection will be easier if you don’t fuss, young man. [Yastremska: Bigstock Photo]
True Colors
Is Carol a femme fatale, or is she actually Larry's best friend? Is she the rattler that only pretends to give him fair warning, or is she really on his side? Is she with the Americans or the Russians? It's time for Carol to show her true colors.
Nothing but the truth
Dr. Rozanski is determined to get the truth out of Larry about where the note is hidden. As in all good spy stories, once Rozanski has Larry cornered, he takes great pleasure in explaining the significance of the note to the Russian government. This knowledge raises the stakes for Larry — he absolutely has to live through this and get the note to his own government.
Moment of truth
When circumstances spin out of control,the Russian spies decide to give up on the note and silence Larry instead. It's time for Carol to show her true colors — to reveal which side she is really on.

executioner: (n) the person who kills people who have been sentenced to death 劊子手、 死刑執行人 The executioner carried out the death penalty for the state.
Sodium Pentothal: (n) a drug given to make someone tell the truth (also called ‘Truth Serum’), used by both the Americans and the Russians during the Cold War 硫噴妥鈉(麻醉劑)、「真話漿」 The Sodium Pentothal is already in the syringe.
SAM-6 missiles: (v) SAM-6 missiles are Surface to Air Missiles made by Russia SAM-6地對空導彈 Those SAM-6 missiles could help Russia win the war.
 jamming device: (n) a technological instrument that interferes with missiles so that they get stuck (jammed) and cannot operate 干擾器 A jamming device was interfering with the radio waves so we couldn’t communicate with Headquarters.
render: (v) to cause sth or sb to be in a specified condition, such as “render sth worthless” or “render sb unconscious”; to cause, to make 使得 + (n) + adj The virus rendered the day-care worker unfit to look after the children.
fuss: put up a fight, behave in an unruly way, to shout and scream 大動干戈、大吵大鬧、大呼小叫 The boy put up such a fuss at the dentist’s office that the dentist couldn’t work on his tooth.
stretcher: a light bed made of two poles and a thick cloth stretched between them, used for carrying a sick, injured, or dead person 擔架 The medics lifted the injured man onto a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance.
concierge: (n) a hotel employee who provides help and information to the hotel guests; the security guard in an apartment building who takes care of the building and checks the people who enter and leave 管理員、 保安人員 I forgot my key, but the concierge recognized me and let me in.
sedative: (n) a drug that calms or relaxes someone 鎮靜藥、鎮定劑 When the patient passed away, the doctor prescribed a sedative for her distraught husband.
fault: (v) to blame or criticize sb 批評 The secret agent was faulted for the failure of the bomb to go off.
hypodermic kit: (n) a set of items that can put fluids into the body by going under the skin — including drugs, a syringe (to force the liquid drugs through the hollow needle), and a thin hollow needle, and cleaning supplies 皮下注射套裝 The doctor’s hypodermic kit had disposable needles.
syringe: (n) a plunger with a hollow needle attached to it; the plunger forces the liquid drugs through the needle and into the body under the skin 注射器 It’s terrible to find a syringe on the ground in a public park. Some child could pick that up and get infected.
double agent: (n) 1. a spy who works for both sides; 雙重間諜 Joseph Conrad’s novel, The Secret Agent, is about a double agent who lives in London and works for Russia, but also supplies information to the London police.
that fits you to a “T”: (idiom) sth is a suitable description of you, very much ‘to the point’, precise, and exact 適合、適
