Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL065: The Lady Was a Tiger, Part 4

April 21, 2016

~ CBS Radio Mystery Theater, The Lady Was a Tiger, Act 2, Scenes 4-5 — The Rattler's Warning ~
A femme fatale double agent frames an unemployed reporter for homicide in Paris. Larry Fielding: And the only reason I’m alive is because somebody wants the paper.Carol Johnson: That’s right.Larry Fielding: And if I give it to you, then there’s really no reason not to kill me.[prometeus: BigstockPhoto]
The Rattler's Warning:
Larry is thankful to be out of prison, but he's still a murder suspect. He goes to the American Consul for help, but he’s met with disbelief, and they recommend he get out of France. Carol has to work fast. She reveals more to gain Larry's trust. She tells him who she's working for. Not really trusting her, Larry tries to go over her head. He heads out the door to find Carol's director. That's when a big Russian agent, Egor, forces him back inside the hotel room. Although Carol tells Larry, "I warned you," Larry feels misled. Carol had given him about as much warning as a rattlesnake gives its victim. Calling Carol a rattler really shows that Larry doesn't trust her.
Larry's Trump Card:
So, what do you do when there’s no one you can trust? You hang onto your trump card, the card that will always win no matter what card the other player puts down. For Larry, the slip of paper from Professor Teal is the trump card. As long as no one can find it, no one will kill him.
The Art of Persuasion:
Carol tried feminine persuasion. Egor uses bullying tactics. When neither works to make Larry cooperate, they call in a third agent... Dr. Rozanski.  

handle: (v) to manage, to do   處理、辦理 A: Oh, you’ve got your hands full. Let me take that suitcase for you. B: It’s okay. I can handle it.
clue (sb) in: (v) give sb reliable information that they seem unaware of, to inform   揭露、揭示 The indie director made a documentary film to clue the public in on how the factories were polluting their water.
recover (sth): (v) to get something back that was yours in the first place  恢復、收復、追繳、收回 When they caught the bank robbers, the police were able to recover most of the money, but some of it they’d already spent.
Consul: (n) the government official whose job is to live in a foreign country and protect and help citizens of his own country who are traveling, living, or doing business there 領事 When his passport was stolen, the traveler went to the American Consul for help.
level: (v) to talk in a straightforward manner with someone, to deal frankly and openly 說老實話 、老實交代 When she finally levelled with her lawyer, he was able to help her.
(sb’s) cover is blown: (phr.) an undercover detective or a secret agent’s true identity is exposed   穿幫 (lit., to pierce through a secret society), 曝光、 祕密身分被揭穿 The cop went undercover and became a gang member to find out how drugs were getting in to the country. If his cover is blown, he’ll be in grave danger.
Major: (n) a military officer in the army, air force, or marines who ranks above a captain  少校 Major, have your men defend the north side of the town.
GPU: (Gosudarstvennoye Politicheskoye Upravlenie), the Intelligence Service and the secret police of the USSR from 1922 to 1934   秘密警察 The GPU suspected he was hiding Jews and often questioned him.
NKVD: (n) (Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del), translated the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs’, USSR’s police force in charge of the Gulag 管理古拉格的警察局 No one really wanted the job, so the younger NKVD officers who lacked seniority were assigned to manage the prisoners in the Gulag.
rattlesnake: (n) a poisonous American snake that shakes a rattle on the end of its tail before it strikes   響尾蛇 Watch your step. By the time you hear the rattlesnake, it’s usually too late.
amateur: (n) 1. sb. who does something for pleasure (such as a sport or a hobby) and not as a job;
