Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL064: The Lady Was a Tiger, Act 2, Scenes 1-3

April 07, 2016

~ CBS Radio Mystery Theater, The Lady Was a Tiger, Act 2, Scenes 1-3 — The Jailbird Walks ~
A femme fatale double agent frames an unemployed reporter for homicide in Paris. Carol Johnson: Well, you look pretty good for a jailbird. Larry Fielding: You look pretty good yourself for a…Come to think of it, what are you? [Aaron Amat: Bigstock.com]
No good to us in jail:
In this episode, Larry, now a murder suspect, is now a jailbird. He has been thrown into jail to await trial. As long as he is in prison, he is of no use to anyone. The Russian’s decide to get him out. How do you think Russian spies would get a man out of jail? What method will they use? When a person is charged with a crime, he awaits his trial in jail. However, if he is not considered a threat to society, he can get out on bail. This means someone has to pay a large sum of money to get him out. The money is a guarantee that he will show up for the trial. Larry is still facing trial, even if the Russian spies get him out of jail.
Key Words:

the Louvre: (n) a famous museum in Paris  盧浮宮、羅浮宮、魯佛爾宮 The Louvre, of course, is a ‘must see’ when you’re in Paris.
stroll: (n) a leisurely walk  散步、閒步 After eating, he enjoyed an evening stroll through the park.
the Seine: (n) the name of the river that flows through Paris   塞納河 We went for a riverboat cruise along the Seine and saw lovers strolling along the banks and cyclists weaving their way through the crowds.
pawn: (n.) a common chess piece of little value  卒 ; a person who is being used by someone more powerful, a stooge  走卒 We think we make decisions, but we’re really just pawns in an economic environment controlled by the rich.
player: (n) person playing a game   玩家 You can play Scrabble with two to four players.
move: (n) a turn in a game to move your piece on the board; the movement of one playing piece one time in a   輪到、移動 Jerry, a serious chess player, takes his time planning his next move.
assume: (v) believe sth is true without confirming that it is 以為、設想、假設、臆斷 He has an alibi, but you need to check it out. Don’t just assume it’s true.
nothing on him: there was no item hidden on his person, in a pocket, etc.  什麼也沒有 他隨身沒有帶我們尋找的項目。 The police searched him, but he had nothing on him.
manage (to do sth.): (v) to find a way to do something with difficulty  設法、勉力完成 When no one else could find a job, Carl managed to get a secure government job.
incident: one occurrence of an event事件 Since the downing of the Russian war plane incident, Russia and Turkey’s relationship has gone from bad to worse.
alibi: (n) a claim that you cannot be guilty of a crime because you were somewhere else when the crime was committed  不在場證明 She says she arrived at the Hotel Dupin at 10 p.m. and stayed until 9 a.m. Philippe, phone the hotel and check up on her alibi.
give sb a lift: (n) give someone a ride (in/on a personal vehicle such as a motorbike or a car) 送他一程 or 載他一程 Sure, I gave her a lift. So what? Her place was on my way home. What’s wrong with giving someone a ride?
jailbird: someone who has spent time in prison, especially a habitual criminal; a convict or an ex-con 累犯 The secretary became uneasy when her jailbird ex-husband, Joe, turned up at her office.

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Let’s Talk!
Larry is finally a free man, but he’s going to feel indebted to Carol for the alibi. They seem to trust each other more now, and they agree to tell each other the truth. But we’ve seen Carol meeting with a Russian spy and doing exactly what he told her to do. So what do you think? — Is Carol a friend or an enemy to Larry? Which side is she really on — the American’s or the Russian’s? I’d love to hear your opinions on that. Please leave a com
