Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL060: Intimidated Jury - Cat and Mouse

January 14, 2016

MR DA: That was another report on the officer who was shot. The doctor’s believe he’ll be well enough to talk by tomorrow. BUTLER: Good!
[inigocia: Bigstock.com]
Brilliant deduction
After finding a canceled debt in Taylor’s books, the District Attorney pays Butler a visit. Butler had held the mortgage on Taylor's businesses, and now the debt is gone. Butler certainly appears to be the man Taylor felt indebted to, so the DA has deduced that Butler is the big kingpin behind the jury rigging. It's time to pay the big kingpin a visit for a game of cat and mouse.
The cop will talk
The DA seems ‘chatty’. Why is he telling Butler so much about the case? Butler is doing his best to distance himself from everyone that the DA mentions. He tries to deny knowing them, but the DA won’t let him get away with that. The DA even mentions the policeman. Hey, now! Isn’t he going a little too far? Why warn Butler? The DA seems to be warning him that he's almost caught. Why not have come a day or two later when he has enough evidence to arrest the guy?
A game of cat and mouse
Butler and the DA play a real 'cat and mouse' game in this scene. The DA has information that he wants Butler to know. And Butler needs to play along enough to get the DA to tell him more. He needs to know how much the DA really knows. Both think they are smarter than the other — the cat fully expects to eat the mouse for dinner, and the mouse expects to escape the cat's claws. Butler is looking for something he can use to his advantage, but if the DA is the smarter of the two, the information he gives Butler will be like cheese on a mousetrap.
Key Words:
Let’s talk about it!
Have you figured out what the D.A. is up to? Perhaps you have a question. You can comment or leave your questions in the comments below.
