Wellness and Weight Loss with Dr. Susan

Wellness and Weight Loss with Dr. Susan

Latest Episodes

Beat the Odds: Minimize Diabetes, Cancer & Chronic Illness
July 24, 2024

Welcome to "Beat the Odds: Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Cancer and Chronic Illness Risk." Today, lets delve into the critical relationship between weight, lifestyle choices, chronic illness and cancer risk. It's aconversation tha

Itchy Skin Rashes and Your Blood Sugar
July 17, 2024

Hi!Today, we're diving into an important but oftenoverlooked topic: the connection between blood sugar levels and skin health. Many people don't realize that imbalanced blood sugar can significantly impactyour skin, leading to various issues fr

The Blood Sugar and Hypertension Connection
July 10, 2024

Importance of Understanding This Connection for Overall HealthHyperglycemia, high blood sugar, and hypertension are often found in the same people and are considered each other's "comorbidity".For example, people with diabetes are twice a

How to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating Forever
June 26, 2024

Hi, Glad you're here! Are you wanting to get rid of your gas and bloating...forever? Listen in As Dr. Plank discusses digestive symptoms such as gas and bloat and how to find their root cause. Find the cause and fix the problem, forever!Schedul

A Powerful Episode: What Your Doctor Can't Tell You - The Impact of Overlooked Nutritional Information on Your Health
June 19, 2024

Hi,Your routine lab tests offer more information than you've been led to believe!Did you know that, while physicians encourage patients to make healthy food choices, only 27 percent of U.S. medical schools offer students the recommended 25 hours of

Best Blood Test for Blood Sugar Levels
June 05, 2024

Hello! Today, were diving into an essential topic for anyone looking to take charge of their health: revealing the important nutritional information in routine lab tests, specifically the CMP-14 and CBC. These tests are oftenpart of your regular health

Weight Gain, Will Ozempic Work If I Have Female Hormone Imbalances
May 22, 2024

Listen as Dr. Plank discusses ozempic and the parallels with weight gain from female hormone imbalances. Did you know that 30% of ozempic takes don't last one month taking it?Find out why ozempic might help you lose weight but make you unhealthier

The Hormone Equation: At-Home Women's Hormone Testing, Expert Analysis, and Personalized Solutions for Women
May 08, 2024

Listen in, as Dr. Susan shares important information about women's hormones. After listening, you'll understand At-Home Hormone Testing, the benefit of Expert Hormone Analysis needed to understand your results, and the Personalized Solutions hor

How to Reset Female Hormones
April 17, 2024

Whether it's weight loss, bone health, more energy, better libido, or just less monthly angst, hormones can be a cause. Listen as Dr. Susan explains various hormones and how they affect your health and weight!Do you suspect hormone imbalances? Ta

Top 3 Weight Loss Benefits to Logging Food
April 11, 2024

Many people find weight loss frustrating and find themselves wondering:What to eat for weight loss? orHow many calories to eat for weight loss?Listen as Dr. Susan Plank discussed the importance of a healthy eating plan for lower blood sugar and weight
