Doubt The Doubts | Crazy Cool People Sharing Great Tips, Tactics, & Tools

Doubt The Doubts | Crazy Cool People Sharing Great Tips, Tactics, & Tools

Latest Episodes

7 Habits of Highly Jerky People | Paul Blais | Episode 264
November 21, 2014

We’ve all seen the jerk- not the movie starring Steve Martin, but the actual creature roaming freely about the planet. They have short tempers in lines that are too long. These are the people that honk their horns in bumper-to-bumper traffic. You wi

The Value of Charging vs Free | John Tighe | Episode 263
November 19, 2014

John Tighe is the bestselling author of "Crush It with Kindle" and host of the top ranked business and marketing podcast "Publish Position Profit." John is an online marketing expert, entrepreneur, speaker, business coach and founder and CEO of the S

Entrepreneur to Change the World | Juliette Brindak | Episode 262
November 17, 2014

Juliette Brindak is co-founder of Miss O & Friends, an all girls safe socialization site which aims to help build self-esteem by giving girls a platform to just be girls. Juliette started the company with the help of her parents when she was 16 and Mi

Dealing with a Bad Boss | Paul Blais | Episode 261
November 14, 2014

There are times when a boss can be a complete jerk. In this episode I talk about a method you can use to help C.A.L.M the situtation, and I also give you 3 tips on dealing with angry people.

From Mind to Market | Permjot Valia | Episode 260
November 12, 2014

Permjot Valia, CEO and Founder of MentorCamp, started angel investing after having served as Sales and Marketing Director for Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Services in London. Having organized the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year competition for 2

Growth of a List | Primoz Bozic | Episode 259
November 10, 2014

Primož Božič is a 23 year old entrepreneur from Slovenia. He is the founder of Skyrocket Your Productivity where he shows entrepreneurs, freelancers and ambitious employees how to focus on things that really matter. He helps them create habits and syst

Self-Care for the Entrepreneur | Paul Blais | Episode 258
November 07, 2014

In this episode I give some practical tips on how to avoid burnout by offering advice that HALTS burnout in its tracks.

Build a Platform From Scratch | Kristen Brown | Episode 257
November 05, 2014

Kristen Brown helps people create fresh ideas for personal and professional growth as a Speaker, 2-time-Bestselling Author, Widow Mom, Podcast Host and Strategist. She is the founder of Happy Hour Effect and LitPR and has been seen on stage and screen ove

The Power of Giving | Anthony Tran | Episode 256
November 03, 2014

Anthony Tran is the Founder of Marketing Access Pass, an All-in-One Online Marketing Training and Services website. He specializes in WordPress website development, search engine optimization, and social media marketing strategies to help you take your bu

How to Take Massive Action | Paul Blais | Episode 255
October 31, 2014

There is a lot of talk about taking “Massive Action”. But how does somebody do just that? In this episode I talk through the steps required to get serious turn action into massive action.
