Disciples of the Watch Podcast

Disciples of the Watch Podcast

Latest Episodes

(270) Time Travel Radio: 1978
June 23, 2023

Disciples!! We had a scheduling change, but no big deal – I was already working TTR 1978! So , here we go – all sorts of great music that was released in the year 1978 for your listening p

(269) Independent Music Special: May Releases Pt. 2
June 16, 2023

Disciples!! We’re not done sharing new music that was released last month from independent artists! I figured we’d split the episodes up a little further apart to give you more time to dig

(268) Metallica Worst-to-Best 2023
June 09, 2023

Disciples!! We’re on a tear with our worst-to-bests, and and we REALLY wanted to wrap up our ‘Big 4’ collection. 2 bands were missing from said collection: Anthrax and Metallica. Tod

(267) My Life in Four Songs w/Juan Carlos Lagunes-Reyes
June 02, 2023

Disciples!! It’s Friday, and that means more DotW love – and this week we are back to a ‘My Life in Four Songs’ – or MLiFS – with special guest Juan Carlos Lagunes-

(266) Independent Music Special Vol. 9
June 01, 2023

Disciples!! It’s a new month, and you know what that means: We’re going to look at the releases from the previous month! So, download or stream on your favorite app, and TURN-IT-UP! (And s

(265) DotW Featuring Music from Eleven Strap and Steel Road
May 25, 2023

Disciples!! Gene and Nate back at it; catching up, sharing, talkin’ news – the usual DotW episode, ya know! This week we’re sharing music from Eleven Strap and Steel Road, and to wra

(264) Time Travel Radio 1977
May 19, 2023

Disciples!! It’s time to go back in time and celebrate music released in the 70’s – this time we’re hitting 1977! Some GREAT artists debut this year, and we’ve got a few

(263) MLiFS V10: Steven Michael
May 12, 2023

Disciples!! Whoa baby, I don’t know about you guys, but this year is FLYING by. The good news, though, is that means it’s time for a new My Life In Four Songs! Today’s guest is Steve

(262) Overkill ‘Worst-to-Best’
May 05, 2023

Disciples!!!!!! Here it is, the mother-of-all-worst-to-bests! That’s right, the 20-studio-album ‘Worst-to-Best’ of Overkill’s original material full-length non-live studio alum

(261) Independent Music Special Volume 8
May 04, 2023

Disciples!! We’re not done with the April new releases yet! Here we are with Volume 8 of the show, with more Canada and USA, plus Italy, Greece, Hungary and more! If you missed Volume 7, go down
