Dollars & Sense

Dollars & Sense

Mindset for Homeschool Leaders

November 12, 2020

Mindset for Homeschool Leaders

HomeschoolCPA, Carol Topp spoke to a group of homeschool group leaders in Texas about a good mindset and attitudes that are necessary for leading a homeschool group. In this episode Carol reminds leaders of three things they may have forgotten:

* You cannot be all things to all people-so stop trying!
* Your organization is not essential to the success of homeschooling!
* You are not responsible for homeschooling other peoples’ children!

This is the first part of a 4-part series on Tips for Homeschool Leaders, a workshop given to homeschool leaders in Austin Texas in February 2020.

In the 4 part podcast series Carol discusses:

Episode #203   Leader mindset and attitudes

Episode # 204 What do the duties of care and loyalty look like?

Episode # 205  The duty of compliance with the laws for nonprofit organizations

Episode #206 Managing records and finances in you homeschool group

Each episode can be found at

Handout of the workshop:

During the podcast Carol mentioned the I am a Homeschool Group Leader Facebook group. Please join us!

Featured Resource
Phone Consultation with Carol Topp, CPA

Phone Consultation: A pre-arranged phone call to discuss your questions about being a homeschool group leader. My most popular service for homeschool leaders. It’s like having your own homeschool expert CPA on the phone!

Cost: $85/hour to nonprofit organizations. $100/hour to for-profit businesses. $60 minimum.

Contact HomeschoolCPA, Carol Topp, CPA, to arrange a telephone consultation.

Click Here to request more information!

